About this Event
This course models the behavior of a facilitator in a WRAP class and stresses authenticity and unconditional high regard, as well as a strong set of Values and Ethics to guide your work. Attendees are expected to have a solid working knowledge of WRAP and share their experiential knowledge of how WRAP can work. This training is appropriate for anyone who:
- Would like to continue leading WRAP groups.
- Has completed WRAP Seminar I and II and obtained a certificate for both.
- Is interested in working with others to develop their own WRAP.
- Would like to learn to present on mental health recovery related issues to groups or organizations.
The 2-day WRAP Facilitator Refresher training provides an experiential learning environment based on mutuality. Attendees in this course will be expected to participate in interactive learning activities and demonstrate their own experience with WRAP, have a familiarity with the different parts of WRAP® , and provide a WRAP® I certificate completed in an individual WRAP® I training, or in 2 to 3-day Seminar I (WRAP I) course or workshop, or 8 to 12-week Seminar I (WRAP I) group or workshop - which must have been taught by a WRAP® II Facilitator or Advanced Level WRAP® Facilitator.
Pre-Readings are required and are emailed to registrants prior to the training. You must submit a copy of the WRAP I and WRAP II certificate to be accepted for this training. This course also includes 1-hour training on “Values and Ethics” which can be used towards CPRS certification; the total course offers 16 continuing education hours.
Contact Jordan Young at [email protected] or 615-920-2349 for questions regarding this training.
The training and materials are free and the training is sponsored by:
Event Venue
USD 0.00