About this Event
Who is the course for?
The course is mainly for users of Understanding Society but does not require prior knowledge of the dataset. However, it is especially useful for those who are starting to use the data or are moving to a more advanced use of data such as longitudinal analysis of the PEACH dataset or using an unusual combination of Understanding Society instruments in their analysis.
What will I learn?
Understanding Society has a very complex survey structure, and this needs to be taken into account in any analysis in order to infer results to a population. An easy way to take the structure into account correctly is by using weights alongside strata and clustering adjustments. This course aims to explain what weights to take into account when using Understanding Society. The course will describe how weights are created and then provide guidance on how to select the best weight for a range of analyses. The course will then expand on how to create a tailored weight for a specific analysis, when this can make a difference and will be worth the effort. This hands-on session will guide you step-by-step to create the weights.
Course materials
In addition to lecture slides, participates will receive Stata syntax on how to create their own nonresponse correction.
Software and technical requirements
Participants have to bring their own laptop with Stata Version 13 or higher or Excel installed.
Event Venue
GBP 0.00