BEMÆRK VENLIGST NY DATO FOR TALKEN: Untold stories given, a collaborative practice of sharingTalken den 13. marts afholdes i stedet den 24. april kl. 17-18.45 i forbindelse med finissage, hvor du også kan høre om Fotografisk Centers samarbejde med NørreBrobyggerne i forbindelse med udstillingen "In the Past We Made History"
I forbindelse med Fotografisk Centers aktuelle udstilling "In the Past We Made History" med kunstnerne Tina Enghoff og Kent Klich afholdes en række events og talks. Det er gratis at deltage i talks efter betalt entré til udstillingen. Læs mere om udstillingen og de forskellige talks og events her:
Den 24. april afholdes TALKEN "Ufortalte historier givet, samarbejde som kunstnerisk praksis" og finissage:
Kl. 17.00 – 17.25 Abood* og/and Sahl*
Samtalen vil tage udgangspunkt i et videoværk lavet af kunstnerne Tina Enghoff og Kent Klich, der vil blive produceret under udstillingen og til denne lejlighed, hvor det også vises. Værket skabes i samarbejde med Abood, poet og kunstner med flugterfaring, og hans søn Sahl, studerende ved Roskilde Universitet med flugterfaring. Værket skildrer Abood, der læser poesi på arabisk, og Sahl, der stræber efter at oversætte sin fars skrifter til engelsk. Værket vil omhandle erindringer fra andre tider, slægtninge og steder, som et kor af forfædres oplevelser blandet med minder om tider, nu og ikke langt borte.
Kl. 17.30 - 17.45 Pauline Koffi Vandet
I forbindelse med udstillingen samarbejder Fotografisk Center med Nørrebrobyggerne og freelance kurator Pauline Koffi Vandet om en række workshops for unge, der med udgangspunkt i udstillingen vil skabe deres egne værker som kan ses på Fotografisk Center under udstillingen. Pauline Koffi Vandet vil fortælle om samarbejdet og de unges værker.
Kl. 17.45 -18.45 Tina Enghoff, Kent Klich, Mette Sandbye
Efterfølgende vil en samtale med Tina Enghoff og Kent Klich tage form i dialog med Mette Sandbye, professor i fotografistudier ved Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet, hvor de vil tale om udstillingen og arkivet In the Past We Made History, med fokus på samarbejde som en proces og en kunstnerisk praksis.
Samtalerne afholdes på en blanding af arabisk, dansk og engelsk
* Da nogle af danskerne/personerne med flugterfaring har bedt om at få udeladt deres efternavn, er det gjort til en kollektiv beslutning gældende for alle med flugterfaring.
PLEASE NOTE A NEW DATE FOR THE TALK: "Untold stories given, a collaborative practice of sharing"
The talk on March 13 is postponed to April 24 from 5-6.45pm in connection with the exhibition finissage where you also can hear more about the collaboration between Fotografisk Center and NørreBrobyggerne in connection with the exhibition "In the Past We Made History"
In connection to Fotografisk Center's current exhibition "In the Past We Made History" with the artists Tina Enghoff and Kent Klich a series of events and talks will be held. It is free to attend the talks after purchasing an entrance ticket to the exhibition. Read more about the exhibition and the various talks and events here:
On April 24 the TALK "Untold stories given, a collaborative practice of sharing" will be held:
5-5.25pm Abood* and Sahl*
The talk takes its point of departure in a video work by the artists Tina Enghoff and Kent Klich that is being produced during the exhibition for this occasion where it will also be screened. The work is created in collaboration with Abood, poet and artist with refugee experience, and his son Sahl, student at Roskilde University with refugee experience. The work portrays Abood, who is reading poetry in Arabic and Sahl, striving to translate his father`s writings into English. The work will revolve around memories of other times, relatives and places, like a choir of ancestral experiences mixed with remembering of times, now and not far ago.
5.30-5.45pm Pauline Koffi Vandet
In connection with the exhibition, Fotografisk Center is collaborating with NørreBrobyggerne and freelance curator Pauline Koffi Vandet on a series of workshops for young people who, based on the exhibition, will create their own works that can be seen at Fotografisk Center during the exhibition. Pauline Koffi Vandet will talk about the collaboration and the young people's works.
5.45-6.45pm Tina Enghoff, Kent Klich and Mette Sandbye
Afterwards a conversation with Tina Enghoff and Kent Klich will take place in dialogue with Mette Sandbye, professor in photography studies at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen. They will talk about the exhibition and the archive In the Past We Made History with a focus on collaboration as a process and an artistic practice.
The talk will be held in a mix of Arabic, Danish and English.
* As some of the People/Danes with refugee experience have asked their last name to be omitted, it has been made a collective decision valid for everyone with refugee experience.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Staldgade 16, 1699 Copenhagen, Denmark, Staldgade 16, 1699 København V, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark