Join us for a fresh take on figure drawing at these dynamic art-making sessions hosted by Pones and the CAC."Still Life In Motion" is a series of drawing sessions where artists of all skill levels are invited to bring their sketchbooks and materials to join us in a figure drawing experience, capturing vignettes, or 'still lifes,' of Pones dancers posed among objects and artwork created by Sarah Mackenzie.
Presented as part of the CAC's new initiative, "The Basement: CAC’s Black Box Lab". "Still Life in Motion" is inspired by the current Barbara Probst exhibition up in the CAC galleries, which explores multiple perspectives through photography. This event invites participants to engage with a still life composition in a similarly dynamic way. Seated in a circle, each individual will experience the scene from their unique vantage point, offering diverse perspectives from which to create artwork .
Let the rhythm of art guide your hand and transform movement into a masterpiece.
Sign up is required to participate:
Jan 16th
Jan 30th
Feb 6th
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Contemporary Arts Center, 44 6th St E, Cincinnati, OH 45202-2518, United States,Cincinnati