Songwriters in Iceland ásamt Bird Rvk eru nú komin í samstarf og bjóða söngvaskáldum bæði reyndum og óreyndum tækifæri og vettvang til þess að koma sér á framfæri og deila tónlistinni sinni með öðrum tónlistarunnendum og tónlistarfólki í hverjum mánuði.Þeir sem hafa áhuga á að koma fram geta sent mér (Diljá Sævarsdóttir) skilaboð í gegnum Songwriters In Iceland síðuna!
Listafólkið sem mun koma fram verður kynnt til leiks þegar nær dregur.
Songwriters in Iceland and Bird Rvk are teaming up now, offering songwriters both experienced and new artists the opportunity and venue to get their music heard and share it with other music lovers and musicians once a month!
For those that are interested in performing they can contact me (Diljá Sævarsdóttir) via Songwriters In Iceland!
The artists that will perform will be announced as we get closer to the night in question 🤘
For those that are interested in performing they can contact me (Diljá Sævarsdóttir) via Songwriters In Iceland!
The artists that will perform will be announced as we get closer to the night in question
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Bird RVK, Tryggvagata 24, 101 Reykjavíkurborg, Ísland,Reykjavík, Iceland