About this Event
Dates: February 24th - April 13th, 2025
Instructor/s: Dalton Sanders, 857-9298
Pre-course work:
Pre-requisites: Must have sucessfully completed HazMat Operations
Course Description: The goal of this 60-hour course is to prepare responders to operate as a local member of a regional hazardous materials response team within the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) at a CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or Explosive) event requiring a statewide response. The course provides the essential knowledge, skills, and abilities to operate offensively or defensively at an incident involving the release of hazardous materials. The objectives of the course are to teach participants: to classify, identify, and verify known and unknown material by using field survey instruments and equipment; to select and use the proper chemical protective equipment provided to the hazardous materials Technician; to understand hazard and risk assessment techniques for Hazmat and CBRNE environments; to be able to perform advanced control, containment, and/or confinement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal protective equipment available; and to develop action plans within the parameters of the State plan for statewide response to WMD events
Required Manual: IFSTA Hazardous Materials Technician, 3rd Edition
Manuals may be ordered by contacting Jody Wheeler at 307-856-6776 or [email protected] (Before placing an order please check with your department to insure they don't already have a copy for you.)
Event Venue
USD 0.00