Join us for a lively debate at
The Windsor Castle
to explore the question: are plants secretly plotting against us?
This motion challenges the longstanding belief that vegetables are inherently healthy for humans. Current dietary guidelines promote the consumption of plants.
However there are compelling arguments that plants in their quest for survival have developed numerous toxins that pose risks to human health. In this debate the competing teams will present arguments whether avoiding plants in diets could lead to significant health improvements.
By acknowledging the potential harm of plant toxins individuals may better understand how to optimize their diets for health and well-being.
During the first half of the meeting there will be an improvised mini-debate session where anyone may get called to defend or oppose a motion in 2 minutes (voluntarily of course).
During the main debate 3 debaters will propose the motion 3 debaters will oppose it and
YOU may give your opinion during Floor Contributions.
Event Venue
The Windsor Castle, Francis Street, London, UK, United Kingdom
USD 0.00