Contour (US) at ALICE

Thu Feb 06 2025 at 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm UTC+01:00

Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N, Danmark | Copenhagen

Publisher/HostALICE cph
Contour (US) at ALICE
I sine vellydende produktioner af vuggende beats, bløde basgange, samples og soulede vokaler sammensmelter Contour moderne klange med afroamerikansk historie. Den Charleston, South Carolina-baserede sanger, musiker og producer er en af de mest interessante nye stemmer på den internationale r’n’b-scene. Snart er han klar med nyt album på det ikoniske pladeselskab Mexican Summer, og til februar giver han koncert på ALICE under Vinterjazz 2025.
Døre kl 19:00 / Show kl 20:00
Køb billet i forsalg: 160 dkk eksl. gebyr
Køb billet:

NB: Koncerten er stående
Bag kunstnernavnet Contour står den talentfulde sanger, musiker og producer Khari Lucas fra Charleston, South Carolina. Lucas er en af de mest opsigtsvækkende nye stemmer på den internationale r’n’b-scene, og hans musikalske virke vidner om en rastløs nysgerrighed, som er kulmineret på en lang række anmelderroste albums siden 2017. Han har udviklet sin lyd til en kalejdoskopisk blanding af bl.a. blues, tropicalia, hiphop, post-punk, jazz og indie-rock, men har baggrund som beatmaker. Det høres tydeligt på de vellydende produktioner, som på en bund af vuggende, dragende beats, bløde basgange, samples, soulede vokaler og rap-passager sammensmelter moderne klange med afroamerikansk historie.
På sit kommende album “Take Off from Mercy”, som udkommer på det prestigefyldte pladeselskab Mexican Summer 1. november, bevæger Contour sig modigt fra sin tidligere samples-baserede lyd mod en mere guitar-drevet sangskrivning. Albummet er en vital refleksion over rejser, forandring og migration, og trækker tråde til bl.a. Toni Morrisons “Song of Solomon” og historien om sangskrivere fra USAs sydstater. Albummet er skabt sammen med profilerede kollegaer som Saul Williams, Mndsgn og co-producer Omari Jazz. Contours intense liveoptrædender, hans fantastiske tekster og hans følsomme Bill Withers-agtige stage presence har bragt ham til festivaler som Pitchfork Festival og Le Guess Who?, og nu er turen endelig kommet til ALICE.
Koncerten er en del af Vinterjazz 2025 – en landsdækkende festival som finder sted fra 1.-23. Februar. Mere info via
In English:
In his well-crafted productions of swaying beats, smooth basslines, samples, and soulful vocals, Contour blends modern sounds with African-American history. The Charleston, South Carolina-based singer, musician, and producer is one of the most interesting new voices on the international r’n’b scene. Soon, he will release a new album on the iconic label Mexican Summer, and in February, he will perform at ALICE as part of Vinterjazz 2025.
Behind the artist name Contour is the talented singer, musician, and producer Khari Lucas from Charleston, South Carolina. Lucas is one of the most striking new voices on the international r’n’b scene, and his musical career reflects a restless curiosity, which has culminated in a series of critically acclaimed albums since 2017. He has developed his sound into a kaleidoscopic mix of blues, tropicalia, hip hop, post-punk, jazz, and indie rock, though he started out as a beatmaker. This is evident in his well-crafted productions, which, with a foundation of swaying, captivating beats, smooth basslines, samples, soulful vocals, and rap passages, blend modern sounds with African-American history.
On his upcoming album Take Off from Mercy, released on the prestigious label Mexican Summer on November 1st, Contour boldly shifts from his earlier sample-based sound toward more guitar-driven songwriting. The album is a vital reflection on journeys, change, and migration, drawing inspiration from works like Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon and the tradition of Southern songwriters in the U.S. The album is co-created with high-profile collaborators such as Saul Williams, Mndsgn, and co-producer Omari Jazz. Contour’s intense live performances, his brilliant lyrics, and his sensitive Bill Withers-like stage presence have taken him to festivals such as Pitchfork Festival and Le Guess Who?, and now it's ALICE’s turn.
The concert is part of Vinterjazz 2025 – a nationwide festival taking place from February 1st to 23rd. More info via

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N, Danmark, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark


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