Amaro Freitas (BR) at Brorsons Kirke – UDSOLGT

Wed Feb 19 2025 at 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm UTC+01:00

Brorsons Kirke | Copenhagen

Publisher/HostALICE cph
Amaro Freitas (BR) at Brorsons Kirke \u2013 UDSOLGT
Den unge pianist Amaro Freitas er et funklende stjerneskud på den brasilianske jazzscene. Med sit nye, visionære og multi-grammy-nominerede album “Y/Y” (Psychic Hotline, 2024), som er blevet til med gæstemusikere som Shabaka Hutchings, Jeff Parker og Hamid Drake, får han tiden til at stå stille og klaveret til at vise sig i nye klangfarver. Til februar vil hans komplekse percussion-prægede klaverkompositioner og brilliante spil udfolde sig smukt i Brorsons Kirkes sakrale rum, når han spiller solokoncert og opfører “Y/Y” under Vinterjazz 2025.
Døre kl 19:00 / Show kl 20:00
Køb billet i forsalg: 200 dkk eksl. gebyr
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NB: Koncerten er siddende og foregår i Brorsons Kirke
Den unge pianist Amaro Freitas er et funklende stjerneskud på den brasilianske jazzscene. Han kommer fra den nordøstbrasilianske kystby og kulturelle smeltedigel Recife, hvorfra han har udfordret jazzens traditionelle strukturer og skabt en “dekoloniseret jazzlyd”, der sætter tiden i stå og klaveret til at vise sig i nye klangfarver. Amaro Freitas’ stærkt percussion-prægede tilgang til jazzen trækker i lige så høj grad på den afro-brasilianske maracatu, der opstod i sukkerplantagerne under slaveriet, som den trækker på de højintense karnevalsrytmer fra frevo og baião og lyden af innovative jazzkorifæer som Thelonious Monk og John Coltrane. Resultatet er en kombination af mesterligt klaverspil og innovative percussionteknikker i selve klaveret; det er magisk, mystisk og dybt fascinerende.
Siden sit første album “Sangue Negro” fra 2016 har Amaro Freitas’ dybt originale klange resoneret langt ud over Brasiliens grænser, og med sit seneste album “Y/Y” (Psychic Hotline, 2024) tager han sine teknikker til nye højder. Med stærk inspiration fra Amazonas regnskov er albummet præget af en følelse af ansvar for jordens ressourcer samt en forbindelse til det oprindelige Sateré Mawé-samfund. “Y/Y” er skabt med bidrag fra navne som Shabaka Hutchings, Jeff Parker, Hamid Drake og Brandee Younger, og det fremragende album er nomineret til hele tre Gammy’er. Albummet har begejstret anmeldere verden over, og bl.a. The Guardian skriver “”Y/Y” finds Freitas at his most wide-ranging, embodying so natural ambiance as well as dramatic action on the piano.” Vi kunne ikke være mere enige, og vi glæder os til at høre Amaro Freitas’ komplekse klaverkompositioner og brilliante spil udfolde sig smukt i Brorsons Kirkes sakrale rum, når han spiller solokoncert og opfører “Y/Y” under Vinterjazz 2025.
Sagt om Amaro Freitas
“’YʼY’ finds Freitas at his most wide-ranging, embodying so natural ambiance as well as dramatic action on the piano.” – The Guardian
“A young pianist from Recife, Brazil, Freitas makes the keys dance and chatter as if each note were ricocheting off all the others, taking on energy and momentum from the swarm around it.” – The New York Times
“When he sat at the piano time stopped. He played and played, each note growing, birthing new possibilities, stories within stories. The range of execution and emotive dynamism left me full of light.” – Christian Scott
Koncerten er en del af Vinterjazz 2025 – en landsdækkende festival som finder sted fra 1.-23. Februar. Mere info via
In English:
The young pianist Amaro Freitas is a dazzling rising star on the Brazilian jazz scene. With his new, visionary, and multi-Grammy-nominated album “Y/Y” (Psychic Hotline, 2024), featuring guest musicians such as Shabaka Hutchings, Jeff Parker, and Hamid Drake, he makes time stand still and the piano reveal itself in new tonal colors. In February, his complex, percussion-driven piano compositions and brilliant playing will unfold beautifully in the sacred space of Brorson’s Church when he performs a solo concert and presents “Y/Y” during Vinterjazz 2025.
The young pianist Amaro Freitas is a dazzling rising star on the Brazilian jazz scene. He hails from the northeastern coastal city and cultural melting pot of Recife, where he has challenged the traditional structures of jazz and created a “decolonized jazz sound” that makes time stand still and the piano reveal itself in new tonal colors. Amaro Freitas’ heavily percussion-oriented approach to jazz draws equally from the Afro-Brazilian maracatu, which originated on the sugar plantations during slavery, as well as from the high-intensity carnival rhythms of frevo and baião, and the sounds of innovative jazz luminaries like Thelonious Monk and John Coltrane. The result is a combination of masterful piano playing and innovative percussion techniques within the piano itself; it is magical, mysterious, and deeply fascinating.
Since his debut album “Sangue Negro” in 2016, Amaro Freitas’ deeply original sounds have resonated far beyond Brazil’s borders, and with his latest album “Y/Y” (Psychic Hotline, 2024), he takes his techniques to new heights. Strongly inspired by the Amazon rainforest, the album is marked by a sense of responsibility for the Earth’s resources as well as a connection to the indigenous Sateré Mawé community. “Y/Y” is created with contributions from artists like Shabaka Hutchings, Jeff Parker, Hamid Drake, and Brandee Younger, and the outstanding album has been nominated for three Grammys. The album has excited critics worldwide, and The Guardian states, “’Y/Y’ finds Freitas at his most wide-ranging, embodying so natural ambiance as well as dramatic action on the piano.” We couldn’t agree more, and we look forward to hearing Amaro Freitas’ complex piano compositions and brilliant playing unfold beautifully in Brorson’s Church when he performs a solo concert and presents “Y/Y” during Vinterjazz 2025.
Said about Amaro Freitas
“’YʼY’ finds Freitas at his most wide-ranging, embodying so natural ambiance as well as dramatic action on the piano.” – The Guardian
“A young pianist from Recife, Brazil, Freitas makes the keys dance and chatter as if each note were ricocheting off all the others, taking on energy and momentum from the swarm around it.” – The New York Times
“When he sat at the piano time stopped. He played and played, each note growing, birthing new possibilities, stories within stories. The range of execution and emotive dynamism left me full of light.” – Christian Scott
The concert is part of Vinterjazz 2025 – a nationwide festival taking place from February 1st to 23rd. More info via

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Brorsons Kirke, Rantzausgade 49, 2200 København N, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark


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