✨ Živa a Gólyában {free jazz, psychedelia, electronics, DJ sets} 2025. Mar. 7. 20:30

Fri, 07 Mar, 2025 at 08:30 pm to Sat, 08 Mar, 2025 at 03:45 am UTC+01:00

Gólya | Budapest

Inverted Spectrum Records
Publisher/HostInverted Spectrum Records
\u2728 \u017diva a G\u00f3ly\u00e1ban {free jazz, psychedelia, electronics, DJ sets} 2025. Mar. 7. 20:30
Az Inverted Spectrum Records azzal ünnepli meg 10. évfordulóját, hogy meghívja kedvenc belgrádi klubját, a Živát, kedvenc budapesti klubjába, a Gólyába.
A Živa egy 2023-ban megnyílt nonprofit kulturális központ, amely egy belgrádi külvárosi bunkerben üzemel és mára a helyi független zene elsődleges helyszínévé vált. A központot zenészek és DJ-k vezetik, akik március 7-én mindannyian eljönnek a Gólyába, és csatlakoznak budapesti zenei előadókhoz. Az este free jazz és improvizatív zenével kezdődik, majd kísérleti elektronikával folytatódik, és a Gólyában péntek esténként megszokott DJ-partyval zárul.
Inverted Spectrum Records celebrates its 10th anniversary by inviting its favorite club in Belgrade, Živa, to its favorite club in Budapest, Gólya.
Živa is a non-commercial cultural center located in a former bunker in a Belgrade suburb. The venue opened in 2023 and has emerged as the primary venue for independent music in the city. The center is run by people who are themselves musicians and DJs, and they will all be coming to Gólya on the 7th of March, to be joined by many interesting local and international performers resident in Budapest. The evening will begin with free jazz and improvised music, continue with experimental electronics, and culminate in a DJ party as usual for Friday nights in Gólya.
▸ 21:00 Bíró-Karla-Latinović-Stričević {hu/lt/srb}
(free improv / punk jazz / noise)
▸ 21:35 Omeragić-Spirovski {mk}
(free jazz / noise)
▸ 22:05 micropoda {hu}
(microdosemike x Sauropoda / psychedelic folk jazz / free improv)
▸ 22:45 Inverted Spectrum Records DJ set {hu/srb/tr}
▸ 23:05 Vukašin Đelić {srb}
(avant-garde electronics / psych guitar / ambient)
▸ 23:45 Dulence 913 {srb}
(experimental dance music / live electronic)
▸ 00:20 poppyseed {hu}
(dj set)
▸ 01:45 SAUD {srb}
(dj set)
behopp / entry: 3500 ft. afterparty: 2500 ft.)
🟧 21:00 Bíró-Karla-Latinović-Stričević {hu/lt/srb}
(free improv / punk jazz / noise)
Jovan Latinović and Marko Stričević are multi-instrumentalists best known from the punk jazz ensemble džezbollah. This time they will be coming with a bass and a guitar, and will be joined by the Australian saxophonist David Karla and Gólyá’s resident noise/hardcore/improv acrobat Marci Bíró on drums (Norms, Palánta, Protoplasma, Csicskakoporsó...), for a first-time free improv collaboration.
🟧 21:35 Omeragić-Spirovski {mk}
(free jazz / noise)
Deni Omeragić (bass, double bass, electronics) and Ninoslav Spirovski (sax, clarinet) are two-thirds of the amazing Macedonian doom jazz trio Svetlost, the albums of which consistently manage to get mentioned in Bandcamp Daily's most notable jazz releases. The ensemble is currently preparing for a recording session and tour with the free jazz veteran Ken Vandermark.
🟧 22:05 micropoda {hu}
(microdosemike x Sauropoda / psychedelic folk jazz / free improv)
microdosemike and Sauropoda are among the most colorful bands Budapest has ever produced, both playing their own brand of progressive-psychedelic jazz rock with folk elements. We invited members of both bands to appear on the stage for the first time together for an ultra rare session where we will hear them creating music in freely improvised form as opposed to the tightly-composed pieces that both bands are known for. We are very curious.
🟧 22:45 Inverted Spectrum Records DJ set {hu/srb/tr}
Işık Sarıhan from Inverted Spectrum Records will be playing a small selection from the label’s catalogue: Turkish experimental rock, Serbian surreal folk, Hungarian psychedelic jazz, Dutch modular electronics, or perhaps something else, to keep the audience busy until the stage is ready for Vukašin Đelić.
🟧 23:05 Vukašin Đelić {srb}
(avant-garde electronics / psych guitar / ambient)
One of the most unique musicians that ever hailed from Belgrade, Vukašin Đelić is an electronic composer and guitar virtuoso who receives extraterrestrial sounds and processes them further for our enjoyment. With his psychedelic-cinematic rock band Dol, his countless improvisational collaborations, and great variety of solo work, Vukašin Đelić has always managed to produce music that manifests a seldom-found balance between uncompromising experimentalism and musical beauty as traditionally conceived. Who knows what he will do in Gólyá.
⦾⦿⦾⦿ AFTERPARTY ⦿⦾⦿⦾
🟧 23:45 Dulence 913 {srb}
(experimental dance music / live electronic)
In his own words, Silence 913 is “the director of Kabinet 913 and the third eye of Nike Eyes, who expeditiously baptizes you with incorrect interpretations of the scores peed into artificial snow behind the substitute bench of the Vietnamese handball underdog teams, and with a casual swing of a mortally offended swallow, he weaves them into the screeching prelude of a fallen donut-moon that stutters in Belgian from the vitaminized mud of the Pirot coast, blaming you and the yellow silk road leading to the total-moment of extinction of foreign cacti on the Terrace of the People, through a closed window claiming that sipping doubt from important folds on jackets for dancing is not overly useful when retelling the final milking of duck oaths, but also that without it, one cannot emerge from the sweetened puddle called wisdom.”

🟧 00:20 poppyseed {hu}
(dj set)
"poppyseed is a Budapest-based selector known for her bass-heavy and dub infused, but genre-free DJ sets. She’s one half of the ambient/experimental DJ duo, LCR, a.k.a. Lazy Calm Raga, which has had a biweekly show on Lahmacun Radio since its beginnings."
🟧 01:45 SAUD {srb}
(dj set)
"SAUD (säwdā', saudade, sud) colors the vitalist legacy of hardcore continuum's breakbeat patterns with contemporary, iridescent gradients to craft a renewed expression of rhythmic psychedelia. He is a co-founder of Belgrade's future-oriented rave platform SUTRA. Since his Boiler Room in 2019, SAUD has positioned himself as Belgrade's foremost fwd-thinking DJ, specializing in multicolour hypersonics laid across divergent rhythms and tempi, never losing the grip on dynamics and physicality. Besides running SUTRA, he has recently played at Nyege Nyege in Uganda as well as NYC, Berlin, France, Austria, Belgium, Norway, Czechia, Italy, Poland, Beirut, Istanbul, Cairo, and all around the Balkans. In 2024 he was selected by NTS radio to rep Belgrade in their Club Tracks Reports feature."
Inverted Spectrum Records is an independent label, booking agency and event organization/curation initiative based in Hungary, Serbia and Turkey. You can follow our releases, events and bookings at:
👇 Ha a Gólyába érkezel, elfogadod a házirendünket, amit itt tudtok elolvasni:
Szeretnénk megkérni, hogy:
⚫ tartsd tiszteletben mások személyes terét!
🔴 ne zavarj másokat fotózással vagy videózással!
⚫ ha valaki nem hagy békén, zaklat, vagy akaratod ellenére hozzád ér, nyugodtan kérj segítséget a pultban!
🔴 ne közelíts kéretlenül, erőszakos módon más vendégekhez és gólyás munkatársakhoz!
⚫ ne tukmálj alkoholt senkire!
🔴 ha valakiről úgy látod, hogy magatehetetlen vagy másokra/magára veszélyes állapotban van, azt is mindenképpen jelezd nekünk!
⚫ nem tűrjük a félelmet keltő, kirekesztő viselkedést és az ilyen jelképek használatát
🔴 érkezéskor és távozáskor ne hangoskodj az utcán!
❗❗❗In English:
👇 By entering Gólya, you accept our safety and security policy. We ask you…
🔴 to respect the personal space of others.
⚫ not to bother others by taking photos or videos of them.
🔴 if someone does not leave you alone, harasses you, is being aggressive or touches you without permission, ask us for help at the bar immediately!
⚫ not to approach other guests or Gólya staff members forcefully or without permission.
🔴 not to forcefully offer alcohol to anybody.
⚫ if you see someone in an unsafe, uncomfortable situation, or looking like a possible threat to themselves or others, let us know!
🔴 to understand that we do not tolerate oppressive behavior, and the use or wearing of oppressive symbols.
⚫ to keep quiet on the streets, both during arriving and leaving Gólya!

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Gólya, Budapest, Hungary

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