Premiered Off Broadway in 2024 White Rose: The Musical is based upon the inspiring true story of a small group of university students in Munich, Germany, who secretly met to write, print, and distribute leaflets exposing Hitler’s lies and Nazi deception.“Impactful, uplifting. White Rose is a MUST SEE tour de force” New York SkylineDon't miss White Rose: The Musical happening at Marylebone Theatre, London, EN, United Kingdom on 2025-02-27T19:30:00+00:00. A great evening with good music and a laid-back atmosphere awaits you. Invite your friends for a night out! **Event Details:** * **Location:** Marylebone Theatre, London, EN, United Kingdom Register now to secure your spot at this landmark event. #WhiteRose:TheMusical #event #exciting #LondonEvents #ENEvents
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Marylebone Theatre, Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Rd,, Marylebone Theatre, London, United Kingdom