A psychosexual fairy tale where a young girl transforms into a woman and travels through a surreal landscape encountering phallic monstrosities, enigmatic machines (designed by Jean Tinguely), and the disturbing realities of human desire. Visual artist Niki de Saint Phalle followed her darkly Freudian feature film Daddy (a collaboration with Peter Whitehead) with A Dream Longer than the Night, an equally, though ultimately more whimsical exploration of female sexuality. (Niki de Saint Phalle, France, 1976, 82 min.) In French and German with English subtitlesRestored in 4K by Niki Charitable Art Foundation, under the supervision of Arielle de Saint Phalle, with funding provided by Dior at L’Immagine Ritrovata laboratory. Distributed by The Film Desk.
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800 Mifflin St, Philadelphia, PA 19148-16ND, United States