The Art Of Peace With Kathleen Ford

Fri May 30 2025 at 05:00 pm to 08:00 pm UTC-04:00

Alnoba 1848 Barn | Kensington

The Art Of Peace With Kathleen Ford
Join Certified Health and Life Coach, Kathleen Ford. Artistic talent or knowledge is not necessary. This exercise is useful to anyone!
About this Event

The Art Of Peace With Kathleen Ford
Friday, May 30th from 5PM to 8PM
Location: 1848 Barn at 199 South Rd. Kensington, NH

Doors open at 4pm for an opportunity to walk the grounds and grab a drink from our cash bar.

Join Certified Health and Life Coach, Kathleen Ford, for a special event! Artistic talent or knowledge is not necessary, and this exercise is useful and available to anyone!

About The Event

We are awakening to the realization that what we bring to our world is how we create our world. With this awareness comes an accountability to our own inner being and the knowledge that nothing can happen in our external world without it first happening at a level of consciousness.

Every human being faces challenges that create uncomfortable or painful emotions. In this class I will walk you through a simple, useful, creative exercise using paint and canvas to bring you guidance that will remedy or transmute an emotion, thought, or belief that is creating disharmony, strife, or conflict with your inner world. This is sometimes referred to as shadow work, however you might also refer to this as your triggers, habits, or patterns of behavior. These aspects of self impact how we operate in our daily lives, often not in alignment to our True selves. This can be in our awareness, but often this happens subconsciously; an analogy would be, it is like letting a passenger take the wheel while driving your car.

Through this exercise you will learn how to acknowledge these aspects of self in the non-judging, non-shaming way, and embrace them with compassion and understanding that will align you to an expanded level of consciousness that not only has the power to heal and transform you as an individual but will also benefit all of humanity. By creating peace in our inner world, we bring peace to the world by our presence and being.

Event Schedule:

  • Clearing our Energetic Fields and Creating Our Safe Sacred Space
  • Brief introduction with my story and my intentions
  • About the class; why paint and canvas, definitions of art and creativity, emotions, examples of how shadows, triggers, or patterns of behavior present, definition of alchemy

The Exercise:

  • Setting your intention
  • Brief meditation to open the heart space
  • Painting the discord or disharmony
  • Illuminating the discord; shining light on the darkness
  • Painting the transformation, alchemy
  • Sharing - Allowing time and space for all who want to share their experiences

Event Guidelines:

• Put 199 South Rd. Kensington, NH into your GPS - Follow the driveway to the Parking Lot

• No dogs are permitted on the property.

Refund and Weather Policy

Tickets are non-refundable. Please note that all events at Alnoba are rain or shine. If an event is cancelled due to extreme weather you will receive an email notification. If you do not get an email notifying you that the event is cancelled, that means the event is still going forward as scheduled.

About Kathleen Ford:

Since I was a child I had the ability to see colors and images around others in my presence and in my thoughts. I inherently knew information for or about others through the colors and images that surrounded them. I do not remember when or how I realized that this was not how everyone around me was operating. I do not remember a particular conversation or event that made this so, but from an early age I knew this was something I needed to keep to myself. I grew up in the 1950’s and I believe the consciousness available in the common field at that time contributed to the feelings of shame, fear, and separateness that became a way of life for me. I grew up in a large Irish Catholic family that held no limit of drama and chaos from which I withdrew to a quiet space with my friends; Roberta and Sheila. Although Roberta and Sheila were very real to me, and again I do not know how, when, or why, but I knew not to speak of them to others. Their presence in my life brought me both comfort and anguish...another way that I was different, and as time went on I held a belief that I did not belong here.

I tell you this because it sets the stage for the trajectory of my life experiences. I spent most of my life denying who I was and trying to be like everyone else. I believed if I could make the external world look like I was taught it should be, that I would be alright. I did what I was supposed to do, I got married, I had children I got my BSN and became a Registered Nurse. When that did not work, I got my MBA and became a Healthcare Executive. The experiences went on and on and eventually I became disillusioned with the belief that anything could make me feel like I belonged here.

My disillusionment grew into despair, and I began to ask for and search for help. Over forty years ago I had been introduced to a spiritual path through a 12 step program, and although at the time I held no belief that this would do anything that would help me, the seed was planted. Over time I became involved with other spiritual teachings, all of which contributed to my healing.

From Mindfulness teachings with Jon Kabat Zin, to A Course in Miracles, a long list of Spiritual Teachers, I became a student of the Violet Flame, and much more. About eight years ago I was introduced to a Spiritual Mentor and Healer, Kristin Bredimus, who through pure love and compassion has shown me how to step into my True Self and be seen. About five years ago I became a student of the Energies of Melchizedek and I continue to grow, heal, and expand my awareness of the unseen.

Everyday I experience real joy and real purpose. I humbly share my gifts with the world as part of the whole giving permission to others to do the same, for the benefit of all.


  • Intuitive Artist, Channel, Psychic Medium, Energy Reader
  • Certified Health and Life Coach, Certified Mindfulness Practitioner BSN, RN, MBA, Certified Health Care Management

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Alnoba 1848 Barn, 199 South Road, Kensington, United States


USD 39.19

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