Join us for a webinar on employee wellness in Luton.About this Event
Employee Wellbeing
- Reduced number of sickness absence days
- Increased number from long term sick to return to work via Occupational Health
- Increased number of completed annual Check-Ins / Appraisals
- Maintaining health promotion and education messaging to help reduce sickness levels
- Improving mental wellbeing among staff
- Improving communication of employee wellness officers to all staff
Linked to Wider Determinants, Marmot and a Health Equity Town (BESH):
Fair Employment is considered a wider determinant of health, which supports increased life expectancy and increased number of years of healthy life.
- Creating fair employment and good work for all
Working age residents of Luton to have the skills and opportunities to access to good quality work locally
- Reduction of young people not in employment, education or training
- Reduction of adult unemployment
- Increased adults earning a Real Living Wage
- Reduction of adult sickness absence rates
- Increased adults with long term conditions / disability who are economically active
Actions and interventions that can be undertaken / signposting
- Emotional and Mental Health support, talking therapies, Stress policies
- Musculoskeletal and physical activity support, Physio offer, walking in nature, low impact exercises
- Healthy Weight, Addictions, health checks, MECC, Smoking cessation, Menopause etc
- Role of the team, manager, 1:1s
Event Venue
USD 0.00