
Fri Sep 17 2021 at 04:30 pm to 04:50 pm

KU Festival | Copenhagen

(English below)
Mangler du også lidt looove i dit liv? Synes du også, at klimaet er for hot? Er du klar til at møde folk *fysisk*?? Er du træt af, at være fanget på Tinder, hvor alle vil ud at flyve til eksotiske steder, når verden åbner op? Og gider du heller ikke at blive inviteret på steakhouse?? Så kom til grøn speeddating med SIMA og #swipetilhøjreforklimaet??
Til KU's Forårsfestival 2021 afholder vi i SIMA nemlig årets bedste arrangement for alle klima-mindede. Her kan du finde din kommende flirt, kæreste eller livsledsager, som er lige så hooked på klimakampen, som du er?
Arrangementet kommer til at foregå på Bæredygtighedscenen på festivalspladsen fra 16.30-16.50. Kig også forbi de andre fede arrangementer, der foregår i teltet i løbet af dagen.
Tjek programmet for Bæredygtighedsscenen her: https://www.facebook.com/events/3973961719376502/
Så kom og date med os og #swipetilhøjreforklimaet!
(Snacks vil selvfølgelig blive serveret).
Hvem er vi?
SIMA er en tværfaglig, tværfakultær studenterforening for de studerende på Center for Sundhed og Samfund, hvis formål er at sætte fokus på, hvordan samfundsvidenskaberne aktivt kan medvirke til løsning af klimaforandringerne. Foreningens primære arbejde består i at afholde diverse arrangementer samt arbejde for øget inddragelse af klima-relevant pensum.

Missing some sweet love in your life? Do you think that climate is a hot topic? Are you ready to meet people *in real life*?? Are you tired of being stuck on Tinder where all matches want to fly on exotic holidays, when the world is reopening? And are you also done with invitations to steakhouses?? Then join us for a round of green speed dating with SIMA and #swiperightfortheplanet!??
At University of Copenhagen’s Spring Festival 2021, SIMA is organizing the event of the year for anyone who cares about the environment. Here, you can come find a future partner in crime, partner in love or partner in marriage, who is just as hooked on the environment as you are?
The event will take place at the Sustainability Stage (Bæredygtighedsscenen) at the festival site from 4.30 pm-4:50pm. We will play several rounds, so feel free to drop by as you like, and have a look at the other great events in the tent throughout the day.
Find the programme for the Sustainability Stage here: https://www.facebook.com/events/3973961719376502/

So come date with us and #swiperightfortheplanet!
(Snacks will of course be provided).
Who are we?
SIMA is an interdisciplinary, cross-faculty student group at CSS, whose focus is on figuring out how the social sciences can help solve the issue of climate change. The work of the organization consists primarily of organizing various events and working towards a greater inclusion of climate change-related materials in the university’s curriculum.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

KU Festival, Nørre Alle, Copenhagen, Denmark

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