Sasha Keable - Upgraded to Gorilla

Wed Feb 26 2025 at 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm

The Deaf Institute | Manchester

The Pulse Hub
Publisher/HostThe Pulse Hub
Sasha Keable - Upgraded to Gorilla British/ Colombian songstress Sasha Keable is an amalgamation of references thatcame before her time, and that of the present and future and a holistically procuredBritish vanguard. Having spent the last two years wedded to the studio, Keable isconfident and poised when translating her experiences. “I’ve recorded so much [overthe years], that I have about three projects ready to go,” she says. Rooted by a mantraof consistency in this phase of her life, the studio became one of the only places thatSasha Keable felt like she had control over. Trusting her voice, work ethic and her pen,she, as she puts it, “put her head down”.Eager to soul search and ultimately get back to the art without formal expectations,Keable found a renewed sense of inspiration both at home, but also in L.A carrying outa series of trips to the region, across 2022 and last year, her songwriting growingtenfold as a result of it. “I think I learned to be present. How do I feel about this song?I'm never thinking too far into the future now. Too often earlier on in my career, I wasfocused on the end product and what others would think about it. I’m never gonna besomeone else,” she explains. A testament to her elevation in this terrain can beobserved across her work with Destin Conrad. Formally bridging their online relationshipto IRL, Sasha Keable put pen to paper on his second instalment of his Submissiveseries, co-writing “It’s Only You”, “War!” and “Life Been Lifin’” in Mexico. Describing theexperience as “amazing” it reinforced the evolution in her penmanship and abilities ofunderstanding others and seeing, then documenting their experiences in real time.Upcoming releases like “Auction” are a bonafide example of Sasha Keable’s convictionacross subject matters. “It’s so funny because when I write songs about sex, I'mdefinitely getting more comfortable discussing it now.” Working with friends andcollaborators kwn and Joel Compass, kwn in particular helped urge her comfortabilityhere “liberating” Keable’s experiences now canvassed for the masses. Lucid, tranquilbut still urgent, the subdued R&B number quickly allures the listener, evocative pianokeys running alongside Keable, and guest feature Destin’s whimsical runs. Utilising anideal balance of tongue-in-cheek and matter-of-fact, both race between commands fortheir sexual partners to drop draws, bid the highest in auctions and not let either ofthem down. “We ain't no strangers,” Sasha warns. Crafting a bonafide new-ageseductive home run, Keable also embraces her sexuality, as “Auction” is one of theinaugural releases where she utilises women as her sole and only love interests.”It’sgoing to be so interesting to see how listeners take to this one,” she reflects. However,she’s ready for the reactions to come, now in a place of solace in regards to sexuality.But her latest single “Hold Up” still pays tribute to her past eras, confrontational,menacing and foreboding, the Charlie Pitts, Kent Azares & Engine-Earz crafted sonicsbellicose and relentless in delivery. The horns provided by the trumpet add a traditionaljazz feel to Sasha Keable’s comeback single, fusing to the richly built components ofboth soul and gospel, as the singer confronts a spell of cheating, removing her loverfrom her life without reason. “So if you think I need you get that out your head // Cus I’veheld my own for so long,” she croons, the extravagance of her deeper register laid barefor audiences worldwide. A marriage of veterans like Lalah Hathaway with the new agegrit and personality that’s come to define a millennial generation, Sasha Keable arrivesrefreshed and critical to a new-age legion of listeners.Already popular across social media, garnering close to half a million streams in under amonth of release, “Hold Up” provides ample example of Sasha Keable’s might as one ofthe most promising contemporary British artists in 2024. “I’m now on this path of justbeing the truest version of myself that I can be,” she reflects. Now signed to Flight ClubRecords, the vocalist is turning over a new leaf, backed by quality, trust, her strongestsense of penmanship to date, and ultimately a voice that continues to stand the test oftime.
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Event Venue

The Deaf Institute, The Deaf Institute, Manchester, EN, United Kingdom


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