ENG [Polish versions below]During his visit to Poland, Radu Turcanu will give lectures in English.
As part of Radu Turcanu's visit, there will be four types of activity:
• The open lecture: "From symptom to sinthome" (as a reference to the European Convention in Venice "What is the symptom?" - - and our clinical cases)
• The Commentary on the clinical case presentations (Katarzyna Pieńko-Jamuła, Renata Iwaniec-Ehrlichmann )
• A reading of Lacan's text „The Meaning of the Phallus”
• Psychoanalysis with children – a discussion on autism and psychosis in children
Language: English and Polish
Radu Turcanu - Clinical psychologist, PhD in psychopathology and psychoanalysis (Paris VII), PhD in literary studies (University of Illinois, USA). (Hosted in Poland several times, in Warsaw and Poznan) - member of the AME School, founding member of one of the Forums of Psychoanalysis in Romania. Recent international presentation: The function of the gadget in relation to anxiety (Paris 2024). Last conducted seminar at EPFCL-France 2023 - 2024 (together with Mathias Gorog): Neither God nor Master - discourses and the social network. In a group of 7 teachers working with the Polish Forum from its foundation until 2018.
The lectures will be translated into Polish.
For questions on organizational issues, please direct them to the board of the Polish Forum: [email protected].
Illustration: Joanna Salamon
Detailed information:
The schedule of Radu Turcanu’s seminars is as follows:
Saturday, 25 January
9:00-11:00: Seminar on how to read Lacan's text “The Signification of the Phallus”?
(fragment from the last paragraph, p. 688, starting with the words: "This passion of the signifier..." to p. 691 and the words "Therefore, there is a necessity here..." of Écrits, Seuil, Paris, 1966)
Language: English and Polish
11:30-13:30: Psychoanalysis with children – a discussion on autism and psychosis in children
Language: English and Polish
Venue (of both seminars): Conference room of the Warsaw City Library, ul. Koszykowa 26/28 (and Zoom)
Entrance fee (each seminar): 100 PLN; Students: 60 PLN.
Free entrance for members of the Polish Forum or IF-EPFCL.
16:30-19:00: Open lecture
Psychoanalytic Treatment of the Symptom, End of Analysis - Authorizing Oneself as Analyst
When we address the issue of the symptom, we must also refer to trauma and traumatisms. Lacan mentions the 'traumatising' position of the analyst, not at all innocent, as was the case with the 'traumatising" parent. When someone asks for an analysis, the demand basically concerns the treatment of symptoms as resolutions of a trauma, starting with the trauma or the mystery of the 'speaking body'. Moreover, the analyst sets himself as the 'partner' of the analysant's symptom, and finally as the residual product of the analytic process. This allows for a final consideration of the symptom, from which truth is discarded, yet not the crux of an enigmatic jouissance. At the end of the analysis, the analysant identifies with a newly invented sinthome, and they set down as a semblant of the object cause of desire, thus authorizing themselves, with some others, to occupy the position of the analyst.
Language: English and Polish
Venue: Conference room of the Warsaw City Library, ul. Koszykowa 26/28 and Zoom
Sunday, 26 January
10:00-13:00: Clinical case presentations prepared by the members of the Polish Forum:
Katarzyna Pieńko-Jamuła and Renata Iwaniec-Ehrlichmann.
Language: English and Polish
Venue: Room no. 81 on the ground floor of the Nowowiejski Hospital, ul. Nowowiejska 27, Warsaw (and Zoom)
Entrance: only for members of the Polish Forum or IF-EPFCL.
For information and Zoom link (with payment confirmation where applicable), please contact: [email protected]
W ramach wizyty Radu Turcanu odbędą się cztery rodzaje aktywności:
- Wykład otwarty: "Od symptomu do sinthome" (jako nawiązanie do Europejskiej Konwencji w Wenecji "What is the symptom?" - - i naszych przypadków klinicznych)
-Komentarz do prezentacji przypadków klinicznych członkiń Forum (Katarzyna Pieńko-Jamuła, Renata Iwaniec-Ehrlichmann)
- Lektura tekstu Lacana "Znaczenie fallusa"
-Seminarium nt. psychoanalizy z dziećmi -Nasz gość poprowadzi seminarium i dyskusję na temat autyzmu i psychozy u dzieci.
Język: angielski i polski (z tłumaczeniem)
Radu Turcanu - psycholog kliniczny, doktor psychopatologii i psychoanalizy (Paris VII), doktor literaturoznawstwa (University of Illinois, USA). (Kilkakrotnie gościł w Polsce, w Warszawie i Poznaniu) - członek Szkoły AME, członek-założyciel jednego z Forum Psychoanalizy w Rumunii. Ostatnia międzynarodowa prezentacja: Funkcja gadżetu w odniesieniu do lęku (Paryż 2024). Ostatnio prowadzone seminarium w EPFCL-France 2023-2024 (wraz z Mathiasem Gorogiem): Ani Bóg, ani Mistrz - dyskursy i sieć społeczna. W grupie 7 nauczycieli współpracujących z Forum Polskim od jego powstania do 2018 roku. Wykłady będą w języku angielskim, tłumaczone na język polski.
Pytania w sprawach organizacyjnych prosimy kierować do zarządu Polskiego Forum: [email protected].
Ilustracja: Joanna Salamon
Szczegóły wizyty:
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Biblioteka Na Koszykowej, ulica Koszykowa 31, 00-553 Śródmieście, Polska,Warsaw, Poland