PUBLIC INQUIRYThe open sessions will commence at 09:30 on Tuesday 25 February and members of the public
and anyone with a general interest is welcome to attend on that date.
At Heath Business and Technical Park, Heath Road South, Runcorn
REASON FOR INQUIRY - Application by SOG Ltd to Halton Borough Council for:
Outline Planning Application (with all matters reserved for future consideration) at Heath Business and
Technical Park and Land North of Heath Road South for:
i. Up to 545 residential units including dwellinghouses (use class 3) and senior living and extra
care (use class 2) with ancillary car parking;
ii. Ancillary floorspace for flexible E use classes (including office, conference centre, retail, health
provision, leisure facilities [including food and beverages]), F2 use classes (meeting
places for the local community and indoor pool), and a hotel (use class C1);
iii. Sui generis uses including STEAM spaces, a drinking establishment and a vertical farm;
iv. Principle of Highways access and servicing arrangements; and
v. Infrastructure provision, inclusive of a new living machine (emerging wastewater treatment
technology), and all other associated works including re-configuration of existing
buildings on site, landscaping, public realm, and biodiversity improvements.
At Heath Business and Technical Park, Heath Road South, Runcorn
Halton Borough Council is the data controller for the personal information you provide. A full privacy notice can be viewed at
An Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will hold an Inquiry opening on the date shown above.
Members of the public may attend the Inquiry and, at the Inspector’s discretion, express their
The Secretary of State has received a request from the Health and Safety Executive dated 23rd October
2024 to issue a Direction under section 321(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in relation to
the above application. Should such a Direction be made, the statements of case, statement of common
ground (public safety), proofs of evidence, summaries, appendices and written submissions of the
persons listed in the Schedule 1 of the Direction, and that relate to public safety, shall only be heard and
open to inspection by the persons listed in Schedule 2 of the Direction.
If you wish to participate in the Inquiry please contact the Local Planning Authority (email:
[email protected] for details of how to do so.)
If you, or anyone you know has a disability and is concerned about facilities at the inquiry venue,
you should contact the Council to confirm that suitable provisions are in place.
Documents relating to the planning application 22/00569/OUT can be viewed at the Council
offices by prior arrangement or on the Council’s website by searching using the following
reference number: 22/00569/OUT). Inquiry documents can be viewed at the following website:
Where applicable, you can use the internet to see information and to check the progress of cases
through GOV.UK. The address of the search page is -
Contact point at the Planning Inspectorate:
Helen Skinner, 0303 444 5531, [email protected]
Planning Inspectorate Reference:
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
The Heath Business and Technical Park, Runcorn, United Kingdom