About this Event
This training is offered free of charge to those living and working in Halton and who have a direct involvement in the care and support of adults with additional needs. This includes volunteers, carers, those employed through a personal budget and those who use services. Courses covers local process, policy and protocol and are not relevant to those out of area.
A range of people may be involved in supporting adults with additional needs to live their day-to-day lives. This session will provide staff, volunteers and carers (paid or unpaid) with the knowledge and understanding of adult safeguarding requirements and enable them to recognise their own responsibilities within this process.
Safeguarding is everyone’s business and this course looks at how and why safeguarding adults is important, what constitutes abuse and harm and when and how to raise an alert.
It is aimed at ensuring participants can respond to concerns effectively and take appropriate action where there is an identified risk of harm.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the session attendees to this training will be able to:
• Define what safeguarding adults means and what constitutes an ‘adult at risk’
• Understand the context of safeguarding adults – national policy, guidance and legislation
• Identify types and categories of abuse
• Recognise the signs, symptoms and indicators of abuse/ potential abuse
• Consider the difference between a care concern and a safeguarding alert and know when to report a concern
• Recognise relevant roles and responsibilities in the safeguarding process and appropriate responses to an alert
• Becomes familiar with the policy and practice in Halton (as specified by the Halton Safeguarding Adults Board and it’s wider partnerships)
• Ensure adults are at the centre of any safeguarding enquiries
• Acknowledge the features of safe practice and the procedures
Topics Covered:
• Safeguarding and the Care Act 2014
• The six statutory principles of safeguarding adults
• An awareness of Whistleblowing
• The concepts of Making Safeguarding Personal and Making Every Adult Matter
• How to report a concern – do’s and don’ts
• Recording, reporting and information sharing
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Grangeway Youth & Community Centre, Grangeway, Runcorn, United Kingdom
GBP 0.00