About this Event
Please read before signing up for this course, Thank you.
This class will begin Jan 19, 2025 but will not meet until mid May 2025 to complete it. As part of requirement #1 scouts must present evidence that they have cared for a pet for four months. Get approval before you start.*
* Work done for other merit badges cannot be used for this requirement.
Scouts will have an opportunity to earn the Pet's Merit Badge.
This is a 100% online class taught by a certified merit badge counselor.
Classes are in the Pacific Time Zone
All information, resource guide(s), and Zoom link(s) will be sent to the email used when registering for this merit badge. Please make sure this email is correct.
Please check your spam folder to ensure you recieved all information.
Unfortunately we can't rely to messages through Eventbrite so please use email.
Previous work will be considered and counted.
The counselor will be available to answer questions
Scouts must complete all stated requirements before class.
The class will be done via Zoom.
It is assumed that the Scouts have completed the updated steps for merit badges.
Scout must be registered on Scoutbook to receive credit.
According to guidelines, the scout’s parent or guardian must be visible during class.
Please make sure all these requirements can be met before registering, Thank you.
1. Present evidence that you have cared for a pet for four months. Get approval before you start.*
2. Write in 200 words or more about the care, feeding, and housing of your pet. Tell some interesting facts about it. Tell why you have this kind of pet. Give local laws, if any, relating to the pet you keep.
3. Show that you have read a book or pamphlet, approved by your counselor, about your kind of pet. Discuss with your counselor what you have learned from what you read.
4. Do ONE of the following:
*Work done for other merit badges cannot be used for this requirement.
(a) Show your pet in some pet show.
(b) Start a friend raising a pet like yours. Help your friend get a good start.
(c) Train a pet in three or more tricks or special abilities.
Event Venue
USD 7.18