🧠What is Super Brain Yoga ? đź§
Superbrain Yoga is a simple and effective technique to energize and recharge the brain. It is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture.
Pilot studies on the effects of Superbrain Yoga on school children include children with disabilities such as ADHD/ADD developmental and cognitive delays Down syndrome and specific learning disabilities.
Children studied showed a significant increase in academic and behavioral performance greater class participation and improved social skills. In one study the result of an electroencephalograph showed increased amplitude in the parietooccipital region of the brain following the Superbrain Yoga. This indicates increased brain electrical activity following the exercise.
According to Master Choa Kok Sui “The great Indian rishis have developed a technique to increase the intelligence of people based on the premise and principle of ear acupuncture; unfortunately the proper technique on how to do this exercise has been distorted or lost.” Therefore MCKS distilled the proper yogic technique behind the Ganesh Exercise and introduced Superbrain Yoga in 2005.
🔋 Benefits of Superbrain Yoga 🔋
- It increases the focus and the power of concentration
-Improves emotional intelligence
-It serves to pacify and normalize the behaviour patterns
-It increases the power of the memory to retain and recall new information
-Synchronizing the right and left side of the brain to improve function and promote calmness – scientifically proven using EEG.
-Sharpening intelligence in all ages – young and old.
-Improving memory focus concentration and increased energy levels
-Helping regulate stress in children parents teachers and executives
-Helping those with autism Asperger’s syndrome learning difficulties and behavioural problems
-Benefiting all ages and providing medicine for your brain that promotes a life of health and well being.
Help counter the common mental effects of aging memory loss as well as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
🧠Super Brain Yoga course đź§
Date - March 15th, Saturday 9:30am- 1:00pm
Venue - Higher Health70London RoadMile end
Course fee - $ 110 ( includes a certificate of completion from the Institute of Inner Studies) .
Certificate provided.
Eligibility - Open to anyone above 10 years of age. Parents must register separately to attend with the child.
Contact Ramya -049 825 6666 /Â [email protected]Â for details and registrations
Event Venue
Higher Health, London Road, Mile End SA, Australia, 70,London Road,Mile end, Adelaide, Australia
AUD 110.00