Mariam The Believer (SE) at ALICE - VENTELISTE

Thu Mar 06 2025 at 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N, Danmark | Copenhagen

Publisher/HostALICE cph
Mariam The Believer (SE) at ALICE - VENTELISTE
Mariam The Believer (Wildbirds & Peacedrums, Fire! Orchestra) udforsker artpoppens territorier i møder mellem et melankolsk tekstunivers, opløftende popeksperimenter og en distinkt og svært dragende vokal. Til foråret gæster hun ALICE med sit nye album "Breathing Techniques", som præsenteres smukt på aftenen i en kammermusikalsk opsætning.
Døre kl 19:00 / Show kl 20:00
Køb billet i forsalg: 160 dkk eksl. gebyr
Køb billet:

NB: Koncerten er stående
Den svenske vokalist Mariam Wallentin udforsker den melankolske artpops sfære i sit soloprojektet Mariam The Believer, som hun startede i 2012. Tematisk behandler hun de mørke sider af livet, hvor især ensomhed og fremmedgørelse sættes i fokus. Dog skaber Mariam The Believer et spændingsfelt i mødet mellem det tungsindede tekstunivers, opløftende kropslige popeksperimenter og ikke mindst sin distinkte og svært dragende vokal.
Med rødder i improvisation såvel som pop og soul, har Mariam Wallentin trådt musikalske stier i flere forskellige territorier; hun udgør halvdelen af Wildbirds & Peacedrums og er en af de kreative kræfter i jazzkollektivet Fire! Orchestra, som har spillet berusende koncerter på ALICE. Wallentin har derudover arbejdet med navne som Deerhoof, Konono no 1, Damien Rice og Leslie Feist, med kor, strygeensembler, symfoniorkestre, sunget for Björk og deltaget i en eksperimenterende opera af noisemusikeren Ben Frost. Ikke mindst har hun vundet Manifestprisen og Jazzkattenprisen og er blevet nomineret til flere Grammy’er. Når Mariam The Believer gæster ALICE til foråret, er det med hendes nye album "Breathing Techniques" (2024), som præsenteres smukt på aftenen i en kammermusikalsk opsætning.
In English:
Mariam The Believer (Wildbirds & Peacedrums, Fire! Orchestra) explores the realms of art pop through a fusion of melancholic lyrics, uplifting pop experiments, and a distinctive, captivating voice. This spring, she will visit ALICE with her new album Breathing Techniques, which will be beautifully presented in a chamber music setting.
Swedish vocalist Mariam Wallentin delves into the melancholic sphere of art pop with her solo project Mariam The Believer, which she began in 2012. Thematically, she addresses the darker sides of life, with a particular focus on loneliness and alienation. However, Mariam The Believer creates a dynamic contrast between the melancholic lyrical universe, uplifting physical pop experiments, and, above all, her distinctive and deeply captivating voice.
With roots in improvisation as well as pop and soul, Mariam Wallentin has ventured into a variety of musical territories. She is one half of Wildbirds & Peacedrums and one of the creative forces behind the jazz collective Fire! Orchestra, which has performed intoxicating concerts at ALICE. Wallentin has also collaborated with names like Deerhoof, Konono No 1, Damien Rice, and Leslie Feist, worked with choirs, string ensembles, and symphony orchestras, sung for Björk, and participated in an experimental opera by noise musician Ben Frost. Notably, she has won the Manifest Award and the Jazzkatten Prize and has been nominated for several Grammys. When Mariam The Believer visits ALICE this spring, it will be with her new album Breathing Techniques (2024), which will be beautifully presented in a chamber music setting.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N, Danmark, Nørre Allé 7, 2200 København N, Danmark,Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark


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