About this Event
Legacy Burdens and Intergenerational Trauma in Codas: Understanding the Impact on Mental Health and Identity
This workshop focuses on understanding the unique and often overlooked experiences of Codas (Children of Deaf Adults) and their Deaf parents. It explores the complexities of their intergenerational trauma, legacy burdens, and the effects of power, privilege, and oppression (PPO) on their lives. Codas often navigate both the Deaf and hearing worlds, experiencing challenges around identity, communication, and social expectations.
The workshop aims to deepen Codas,' their parents, and professionals' recognition of these dynamics and how they can best support Codas in navigating their roles. Participants will gain insights into how language deprivation, societal bias, and communication challenges affect Codas and Deaf parents. By building this understanding, interpreters, colleagues, and professionals will be better equipped to engage with Codas empathetically and knowledgeably in their professional environments.
Event Venue
USD 81.88