Meet Jeff, Brazilian from Japan. Jeff is a Zumba® Education Specialist, a Nike Official Trainer and recently known in the Zumba® community from his ZIN Volume 113. He is also a ZINCON presenter in Orlando. His EDM (Electronic Dance Music) session brought fire to Convention and turned it into a festival! He now travels around the world teaching Zumba® and we are incredibly lucky for this European visit of his! Make sure you don't miss him, this event is open to all so experience in Zumba® is not required!
Join us for a 1,5h fitness party you won't forget! Guest instructors revealed:
• ST™ Adrian Borozescu
• Lucile Eade Brachet
• Leila Hanouni
• Christina Angelo
• Mateus Carneiro
• Gessica Nunes
1. Registration for the event is equivalent to acceptance of the content of the following regulations.
2. Participant of the event undertakes to comply with the regulations of the place where the event is organised.
3. Participants of the event are financially responsible for any damage or injury caused by their fault or the fault of their guests on the premises where the sports event is held.
4. Adults may participate in the event. Participants under 18 years of age are not permitted due to liability insurance policies.
5. Ticket holders must present their tickets on entry. You can either print your ticket or present the digital version.
6. Refunds or rescheduling are not available regardless the reason. Refunds happen only if the event is cancelled by the instructor.
7. If you wish to resell your spot, you will be responsible for finding someone else to come in your place and you will be asked to provide their name and email to the organiser. You will be in charge of sorting out the transfers and collect any money you exchange with the new attendee. Reselling any ticket at a higher price of the one advertised is strictly prohibited.
8. The organiser of the event reserves the right to change the place, date, time and change the presenters of the event. The organiser also reserves the right to cancel the event. In such a case, the participants will be refunded the amount for the purchased tickets (within 60 days from the date of cancellation of the event).
9. The organiser of the event reserves the right to take photos and record video of the course of the event for documentation, presentation and reporting purposes. The event participant consents to the free publication of their image in advertising materials (television, press, Internet, advertising materials).
10. During the event, there is a total ban on drinking alcohol, smoking and taking drugs.
11. The organiser of the event reserves the right to refuse entry to classes or ask people under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants to leave the classes for safety reasons and for the safety of these people and other participants. In such a case, the organiser is not obliged to reimburse the costs incurred by the participant.
12. During the event (while performing activities), chewing gum is strictly prohibited.
13. The organiser of the event is not responsible for valuable items and devices left on the premises.
14. The organiser of the event is not responsible for the deterioration of the health of a person participating in the courses, caused by excessive strain during the exercises. People taking part in the event should adjust the intensity and type of exercises to their health and current condition.
15. Make sure you receive all communication regarding this event that may be sent to your email a few days prior to the date of the event. Venue details, parking, time and other important information are all included to that email.
Event Venue
Haggerston school, Haggerson School, Weymouth Terrace, London, E2 8, United Kingdom,London, United Kingdom