About this Event
What to teach? When to screen? How to cater for the range in ability?
This seminar explains the implementation of PLD’s structured synthetic phonics programs (SSP) within Year 3, 4, 5 & 6. It outlines PLD’s targeted teaching and the associated tracking and reporting of skill development. The implementation of this evidence-based program aims to maximise literacy levels and skill development.
This full-day seminar provides educators working within the Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 with the knowledge and tools required to explicitly target the range in literacy ability evident within middle and upper primary classes in a systematic fashion. Despite the range in ability within each middle and upper primary class, PLD’s targeted SSP teaching aims to cater for the literacy outcomes of all middle and upper primary students. This seminar provides a scope and sequence and process that is practical, realistic and time-efficient to implement and will cater for advanced, average and delayed students.
The presentation is recommended for all educators working within Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 (WA). The presentation outlines:
- How to implement PLD’s structured synthetic phonics (SSP) approach in the middle & upper primary.
- How three levels of targeted teaching can be delivered to a class.
- Time-efficient reading and spelling assessments are designed to inform teaching plans so teachers can be more focused in their instruction.
- The adoption of the PLD’s tracking sheets in order to establish a plan for the upcoming term.
- The allocation of a proportion of the literacy block to the explicit instruction of encoding (i.e. spelling) and decoding (i.e. reading).
- The instruction of vocabulary, related to the ever-increasing phonic-based words.
- The presentation of phonic dictation passages as a facilitator of phonic concepts into extended written work.
- For the stronger students, a phonic-based approach focused upon word meanings and opportunities to transfer concepts into writing.
- The teaching of decoding, fluency and the importance of decodable reading material (for the students who still require this instruction).
- Oral language instruction (to supplement SSP) which facilitates the ability to speak in complex, grammatically correct sentences.
- Narrative retelling and generation to increase comprehension and written expression ability.
Research reports that Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) programs produce superior literacy gains. PLD’s SSP approach is identified by AUSPELD as a recommended evidence-based approach. With a focus on PLD’s evidence-based Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) approach to literacy, those registered will be presented with knowledge and resources that will assist in maximising the literacy outcomes of the students within a middle & upper primary class.
For more information or to view this seminar flyer, click here.

I am using lots of Diana's very helpful suggestions daily - with results!! Thank you!!
Freda – Year 4 teacher
I have just finished 2 days of seminars with Diana Rigg and my goodness, what an eye opening sessions on how to approach literacy. I have certainly found this first year of teaching very exhausting and at times I have really considered whether I am up to this career but after attending this P.D, I am no longer afraid of teaching literacy. Everything covered over the last few days just made so much sense and I cannot recommend this course more highly. This P.D a MUST!
Graduate teacher
Thanks Diana for the very informative PD. It was jam packed with so much information that I will need to go back through my notes a few times to grasp it all. You also made it sound so easy to implement in the classroom and now I have a better understanding of the process, I look forward to putting it into practice next week.
Cynthia – Classroom Teacher
I taught year 4 last year and had 7 out of 21 students who were considered at risk' by South Australian Spelling Test standards. At the end of the year after 25 minutes of spelling a day, only one remained at risk. All but 2 children did not improve the expected 12 months between testing 9 improved over 16 months and 4 of the children made over 24 months growth. We were all astounded at the improvement! The thing that I found most encouraging was that it was evident from even the incorrectly spelt words that they are actually hearing the sounds and getting much closer to proficient spelling. Congratulations on developing a program that works!!!!
Nicole Year 4 teacher
Thank you so very much for your commitment to helping teachers do their jobs well. I appreciate all your resources, programs and suggestions. I came away quite encouraged about what we are already doing well in our school, and also excited about some new ideas and strategies I can implement, starting today!
Michelle – Upper Primary Teacher
Thank you for the day Diana. I got a lot out of the day...made me want to be back in the classroom!
Amy - Deputy Principal
Well done to you all for your hard work and dedication to children's learning. I love the ease & seemingly simple ideas but mostly the logical sequencing including speech therapy ideas.
Gwyn – Year 5
You are such a knowledgeable and dynamic presenter, it is easy to spend a day listening to you present. The response from the staff was so positive. Staff are feeling more confident.
Jayson – Assistant Principal in a CEO school

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Refund Policy
PLD maintains a 'no refund' policy, with the sole exception being the cancellation of a seminar by PLD. In all other cases of cancellation, individuals are encouraged to re-register for an alternative seminar. For cancellations made within less than 48 business hours, PLD will apply an administration fee of $25.00 and transfer the remaining balance to another seminar.
By attending this seminar, you agree to receive communications from PLD Promoting Literacy Development. You can opt-out at any time.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
PLD Literacy and Learning (Perth), 116 Parry Street, Perth, Australia
AUD 249.00 to AUD 269.00