The coast is calling and we must go. The loop hike in Tahkenitch Dunes is the trail du jour and hopefully, we will have a fine spring day with which to celebrate hiking on the coast.Driving time: 1 hour, 45 minutes
Driving directions:
Entry or parking fee: $5, or free with NW Forest Pass or Interagency Senior Pass.
Hiking route: The route will be subject to the whims and caprices of hike leader John, the exact route is yet to be determined.
Difficulty level: Moderate
Distance: 6 to 8 miles
Elevation gain: 190 feet
Pluses: Lush coastal forest, sand dunes, and a beach walk.
Minuses: There is that walking on sand thing. Although, most of the hike will be on solid ground, which is always appreciated by quad muscles.
For more information call (no text) John at 541-673-1973.
On the day of the hike: Meet at 8 am in the Douglas County Courthouse parking lot off of Fowler St., right behind the library building.
Bring water, lunch, and appropriate clothing for hiking.
If you are riding with somebody, be prepared to share gas expenses with your driver.
Please do not attend if you feel sick, are coughing, or have a fever.
The club hikes every other Saturday, rain or shine. Hiking is free, everybody is welcome.
For a list of our upcoming hikes:
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Douglas County Courthouse, North Parking Lot, SE Fowler St, Roseburg, OR 97470, United States