Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program: 2025

Sun Feb 16 2025 at 07:00 pm to 08:30 pm UTC-08:00

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The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Publisher/HostThe Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program: 2025
Join our Diocesan Youth Confirmation Program!
About this Event

Welcome to our youth confirmation program, which will bring together teens from across the Diocese to explore the Episcopal faith and will culminate with a confirmation service at Cathedral Day, May 3, 2025.

All youth, ages 13 to 18 (seniors in high school) are invited and welcome to participate in this program.

On Sunday evenings, starting February 16 through April 27, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. we will be working our way through a curriculum called "Confirm Not Conform." This curriculum is designed to encourage and invite youth to ask the hard questions and grapple with their own understanding of what they believe and why. Facilitated small group break-outs will provide time for conversation with peers of the same age.

Our Sunday evening meetings will be virtual via Zoom. Over the course of this10-week class, we will have different guest teachers who will lead the lessons and conversations. These teachers are clergy, lay leaders, and faith formation staff from across the Diocese.

Here is our class schedule and lesson topics:

Feb. 16: Introduction to Confirm Not Conform

Feb. 23: Where Do You Stand: The Gospel According to Whom

March 2: Heretics R Us

March 9: Scripture: A Mad Dash Through a Good Book

March 16: Teach Us to Pray: The Lord's Prayer

March 23: Tradition: The Nicene Creed

March 30: The Book of Common Prayer

April 6: Teach Us to Pray: The Sacraments

April 13: Faith in Action: How We Can Help

April 20: No class (Easter)

April 27: Class with Bishop Phil LaBelle

May 3: Cathedral Day

We will also have a core team of adult leaders who will be part of the classes each week to help facilitate breakout sessions and small group conversations. We recognize how important it is to have consistency and familiar faces in order to establish a strong community along this journey.

Youth will have the opportunity to be confirmed on Cathedral Day, Saturday, May 3, at Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Seattle.

Adult Sponsor. Lastly, as part of the program, we encourage youth and their families to choose an adult sponsor: someone from the church, a family friend, or clergy, who will help uphold and support them in their process and journey towards confirmation (and beyond!). The sponsors will be invited to participate in special class discussions, and should plan to join their confirmand on Cathedral Day, May 3.


What is confirmation in the Episcopal Church?

Confirmation is one of the sacraments in the Episcopal Church. The Book of Common Prayer says that "in the course of their Christian development, those baptized at an early age are expected, when they are ready and have been duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop." Confirmation gives us the opportunity to learn about and then avow our faith, more fully comprehending the teachings and beliefs of the Episcopal tradition. It serves as a formal recognition of belonging and connection to this faith community.

What if I'm not baptized?

Baptism is not a prerequisite of this series however, if you would like to be confirmed, you will need to be baptized first. We can work together with your priest to ensure this happens before the confirmation service at Cathedral Day, if that is your wish.

My home church is also holding a confirmation series, which should I attend?

We encourage you to participate in your church confirmation program whenever possible. Please check-in with your priest to determine which option might be more appropriate for you.

Do I need to attend every class in order to be confirmed?

We encourage you to attend every class as each lesson offers an opportunity to learn, explore and grow in your understanding of the Episcopal faith and traditions. But we understand life happens and things come up unexepectdly--so if you need to miss a class that is okay.

If I participate, do I have to be confirmed at Cathedral Day?

You do not need to be confirmed at Cathedral Day. Some youth choose to wait and be confirmed when the Bishop visits their home church -- that is perfectly fine.

Please contact Naomi Woodrum, Diocesan Youth Confirmation Coordinator, with any questions: [email protected]

A Letter from a Parent - 2022

Hello Naomi,

I just wanted to thank you again for doing a marvelous job organizing and leading this important course for our youth. When our Youth Director, Bee Fenner at St. Paul's (Bellingham), contacted us about Confirmation, I told my son about the course, what it would entail and what was required, and to think and pray about it. After a couple days he said he wanted to be Confirmed. I reminded him that he could wait and do it in the next few years if he wasn't ready because this was a very important decision but he insisted he was ready. When I asked, why did he want to get Confirmed, he simply stated that he "wanted to stay close to God." Well, that was good enough for me.

I really appreciate you and the other leaders and everyone who supported and helped to make this happen to prepare and be a part of many young lives in their spiritual development. It warms my heart with so much gratitude because it can be a big challenge in today's culture. It seems that my son enjoyed participating and preparing with other youth in the wider Diocese which was wonderful! He was always willing and ready for the Sunday evening meetings, didn't say much to me after the classes but never complained. Although local parishes have been the norm, this new digital connection allowed them to open up their Epsicopalian world as is so age appropriate.

Every developing teen is different and it was marvelous to see the program and how it met each individual youth wherever they were at in their spiritual journey of Faith.

Thank you so much Naomi!!


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