Couples with strong friendships have better sex lives and higher relationship satisfaction!
About this Event
The Gottman Sound Relationship House Model,
Strengthen Your Friendship Floors!
A "sound relationship house," involves a partnership with a foundation of a strong friendship.
Life can be stressful and your friendship, may end up at the bottom of your daily "to do" list. Have you thought:
- We never do anything together.
- When is the last time we laughed or had fun together?
- Why do we always seem to bicker?
If you answered yes to any of these, you are not alone! Couples can find small ways to navigate closer connections, strengthening their friendship and satisfaction in being together.
Learn research and evidenced based methods to improve your friendship!
We will teach you how! With small everday changes, you can strengthen the foundation of your relationship, your friendship together!
Learn skills to sustain connection and relationship satisfaction!
You and your partner will engage in three activites together, from the privacy of your couch. These activites will support your connection with each other well beyond Valentine's Day.
How does it work? Couples will be taught exercises by the presenters, then turn off cameras and mics to try it as a couple, then come back online, to move on to the next exercise to be taught. It's education and fun!
We do not discuss your couple experience, but couples do find it extremely supportive to have Maryellen and Thea teach skills and provide information in a group format.
Have questions? Contact us!
This workshop is dyadic, meaning you and your partner talk WITH each other only! (Remember, you may keep your video/audio turned off for anonymity after coming onto zoom, if needed! If you feel comfortable, you may also keep your video on and ask questions. We do ask your first names be in the zoom room, and where you are zooming from, to provide a private community feel.)
Who is presenting?
Certified Gottman Therapist (CGT) with Gottman Bringing Baby Home® Educators Maryellen P Mullin and Thea Bailey, will present research based tips and exercises to do as a couple, to stay connected to each other, to increase relationship satisfaction with each other.
About Maryellen:
She is the founder of San Francisco Family Therapy and Messy Parenting: Progress Not Perfection®. Maryellen is licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist in California, (LMFT 45966). She is a Certified Gottman Therapist for couples. Her clinical experience includes work in pre-school through 12th grade educational settings, non-profit mental health agencies, as a school social worker and in private practice. Maryellen is Bringing Baby Home® Educator, through the Gottman Institute, a Prepare/Enrich facilitator and has specialized training in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), couples relationships, family systems, child trauma and attention/behavioral issues with children. Maryellen volunteers as an Advisory Board Member of the WISR Center for Child and Family Development. She writes, speaks and provides trainings regularly to school and parent groups and community-based non-profits on parenting and child development topics. She is the author of two books for children, provides parenting coaching and workshops: Messy Parenting: Progress Not Perfection ®.
About Thea:
She is founder of The Amber House in the United Kingdom. Thea Bailey has a BSc (Hons) in Psychology and is a qualified counsellor, registered in the UK with the BACP. She is a Certified Gottman Therapist (CGT) for couples, a Gottman Certified Bringing Baby Home® Educator and, is a practicing couples and family therapist. She is also a member of BICA (British Infertility Counselling Association) and supports individuals or couples who are about to start or are going through the process of IVF. Thea is a volunteer counsellor, supporting clients processing bereavement at her local hospice, local homeless charity and worked at a young offender’s Pr*son. Thea delivers mental health training workshops for the UK national charity Mind as well as tutoring counseling skills at her local college. She also works with horses, offering equine assisted counselling for clients local to her. https://www.theamberhouse.co.uk

Thea Bailey, The Amber House

Maryellen Mullin, Messy Parenting: Progress Not Perfection® and
Couples Coaching Events
Event Venue
USD 39.19