RAN (1985)Ran, directed by Akira Kurosawa, is an epic Japanese historical drama inspired by Shakespeare's King Lear. The film follows aging warlord Hidetora Ichimonji (Tatsuya Nakadai), who decides to divide his kingdom among his three sons: Taro, Jiro, and Saburo. However, his decision sparks betrayal and infighting, as the two eldest sons vie for power, while the youngest, Saburo, who warned of the dangers of this division, is banished. As Hidetora watches his empire crumble, he descends into madness, witnessing the devastating consequences of his sons’ treachery and his own past cruelty. Set against stunning, war-ravaged landscapes, Ran is a tragic meditation on power, loyalty, chaos, and the destructive forces of human ambition. The film is renowned for its grand scale, striking visuals, and powerful performances, cementing Kurosawa’s legacy as one of cinema's greatest directors.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Windsor Cinemas, 98 Stirling Highway,Perth,WA,Australia