About this Event
The last two hottest historic years on Earth have negatively affected the majority of 16-to-25 year olds, with 81% of them worried about climate change.* Two huge hurricanes in two weeks (one 600 miles wide) emerged from the Caribbean in September and a month later twenty inches of rain fell on Spain in just eight hours. It is the end of a hot-ocean cycle and the planet will probably cool off for a few years, but by 2030 it is likely that the floods (along with droughts and wildfires) will be back and be worse.
How can people (especially youth with the future before them) be happy and enjoy their mid-21st-century lives? "Eco-anxiety" is a mental distress and is not classified as a "diagnosis" but can have severe effects on your well-being, especially if you witness or learn about extreme climatic events.
There is a way to step out of your negativity and see a positive way to enjoy your life experiences. It has to do with the lifestyle you choose and the way you think, feel, and act each day.
This workshop will examine simple ideas about your internal locus of control and how you relate to those around you. It will offer you mental tools to help you shift your thinking to accept and positively deal with the coming environmental changes. These ideas are very practical and have more to do with "expectation" than with "hope". Join us for an engaging learning experience.
BIO: Robert Bell is a former elementary, middle school, and high school teacher. He has Life Science, Behavior Disorder, Emotional Disturbance, and Learning Handicapped credentials. Married with two children and active in climate coaching, he has learned from experiences that he intends to share with others who are searching for ways to understand and deal with the coming global changes.
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