About this Event
The first parent support in Ireland available for Night Dryness and Bed Wetting.
*Not Recorded*
-The real deal causes.
- What's not causing it!
- Genetics
- Hormones
- What you the parent can investigate which may hold the answers.
-What will help.
-What will hinder.
-What treatments are available.
-Will they really just grow out of it?
Most importantly this workshop is developed from the most up to date research and training available in Europe on nocturnal enuresis and incontinence. So many parents in Ireland are told toddlerhood to late childhood that they will just grow out of bed wetting but there is more we can look at, more causes than are typically discussed with parents and far more effective approaches and assessments available to parents then they are being offered!
Join us to get to the bottom of this and get the support and answer you and your child deserves
Event Venue
EUR 50.00