Art of Connection - Amsterdam Circling Weekend

Sat Oct 09 2021 at 10:00 am to Sun Oct 10 2021 at 06:00 pm

De Meditatietuin | Amsterdam

Art of Connection - Amsterdam Circling Weekend
We invite you to a full weekend of exploring connection!
We all connect with people, every day, all day long. It may a conversation with a colleague, a quick interaction in the supermarket or a deep conversation with your intimate partner.
Yet, we never really learn the art of connection. The way to create an intentional space, offer feedback in a way it can be received, or simply really listen to what somebody is saying, instead of just waiting for an opening to speak.
Many of our encounters happen on ‘auto-pilot’. Yet what if you could bring more consciousness to the way you relate? Bring the quality of attention that you have on your meditation cushion, when you are in nature or are really absorbed in something you love, to the person in front of you?
That is where magic happens. And that is what has changed all of our lives, and relationships, for the better. At home, at work, and even with ourselves.
During this weekend I am working together with a stellar team. We are excited to offer you the tools that have radically shifted our personal and professional relationships to places of depth, authenticity and beauty. We will show you that relationship is something you can actively build capacity in ánd how to do it.
Art of Connection offers you an array of skills that together build that deeper relational capacity. We will explore core building blocks, demystify some of the elusiveness of connection and guide you towards more choice in the way you relate; opening up the possibility of more joy, intimacy and better understanding.
> What can you expect?
✦ A place to safely explore yourself in connection;
✦ A stronger capacity to hold more of you and other;
✦ A heightened awareness and sensitivity of what is happening in you and around you;
✦ Deeper understanding of yourself and others, leading to more fulfilling, mutually beneficial and productive relationships;
✦ A container to practise your capacity, agency and personal leadership in relationship;
✦ Practical, tried and tested relational skills;
✦ And hopefully, a much deeper appreciation of the beautiful life we live – together.
> How will we do it?
During this weekend we will offer you the basics of the practices of Authentic Relating and Integral Circling.
Circling creates deep connection – fast. It is the thing we have been practicing and teaching that has taught us the most about human relationship and the way people interact. It has changed our relationships – all our relationships – and the way we relate for the better. In our lives, at this moment, our relationships are rich, open, beautiful and nourishing. Not just at home, but also at work.
What we are most passionate about in Circling, is how this practice builds skills fast. Skills you can apply in your day-to-day life, as soon as you walk out the door. Skills that allow you to have agency around how you want to show up in the world, and in your relationships.
Circling is a combination of meditative presence, body awareness and non-violent communication, combined with true curiosity and a readiness to show up in vulnerability. We practice simply being present with what arises in the moment, both in ourselves, and in connection with other people, stepping away from story and assumption, fixing or changing.
Circling allows you to express yourself fully and to be seen as you are. It is a beautiful and extremely efficient way to highlight where you are not present, by becoming more present. And the beauty is; it is not rocket science. All you need is a willingness to show up and be vulnerable, and a brave heart.
> About us
✦ Lead: Anke Verhees ✦
I am a coach, trainer and lover of all things human and relational. What makes people tick, makes me tick. I am passionate about supporting people in finding a deeper connection to themselves and the people around them, be it at work or at home.
When I stumbled into the first Circling workshop ever given in Europe, in 2011, it turned out to be the beginning of a hell of a ride that has radically transformed my life and connections, and still teaches me so much, every day. I am “Integral Circling trained” and combine this background with my sensitivity and intuition, my training in martial arts, energy work, embodiment and intimacy practices.
I work as a coach for sensitive people, leaders & couples and as a trainer, supporting people in their personal leadership & relational development and bringing their unique gifts into the world.
✦ Lead: Andrew Venezia ✦
I found Circling and trained in it in San Francisco in the course of researching intersubjective practices for my master's degree. I find Circling to be essential for stepping into the kind of intersubjective presence that is a foundation for the most exciting possibilities of our time.
I love sharing these connection skills as a way of opening into the joy of being with each other. I have been working for the last 8 years on weaving these practices with the awakening practices of the lineages of the world's great wisdom traditions, particularly Tibettan Budhism and Advaita Vedanta.
Originally from the US, I currently live in Ghent, Belgium, with my daughter and spend most of my time and energy that is not dedicated to my daughter on bringing the potentials of these new ways of being into our work, relationships and everyday life. I currently work as a consultant, trip guide and coach.
✦ Team: Miriam van Groen ✦
After teaching for 6 years, I burnt out 3 years ago. The time since has been the richest of my life. The main things holding me back from being happy and expressing myself fully, began shifting as a direct result of Circling and We-Dreaming.
I continue to be touched by their powerful simplicity, and I am passionate about the potential that these practices hold for us personally and collectively. I also guide people wanting to use psychedelic experiences for their personal development.
✦ Support team: April Rains ✦
My passion for humanity as story tellers initially inspired my Degree in Literature and my own love of writing. But, it was when I found the relational practices of Authentic Relating Games, Circling, and We-Dreaming that I discovered the stories of humanity so often left untold and the parts of ourselves so often left unseen. Circling has been a way to invite those parts to be seen, to be heard, in others and in myself.
I've deeply valued learning how to experience these practices as well as how to facilitate them.
I moved to the Netherlands four years ago with my Partner. It was then that I really found my place in community: the circling community. I'm also part of a team who guides people through psychedelic journeys for their personal growth.
> Practical information:
We are very happy to cocreate and host this event with De Meditatietuin.
De Meditatietuin is a beautiful Urban Retreat Center located in the middle of the Amstelpark that supports these practices beautifully.
✦ Location: De Meditatietuin, Amstelpark 6, 1083 HZ Amsterdam
✦ Dates: 9 & 10 October 2021
✦ Times: Saturday 10.00 - 18.00, Sunday 10.00 - 18.00
✦ Investment: € 350,-*
✦ Late Summer Special: book before August 31st and pay € 275,-*
✦ Cancellation policy: you can cancel attendance up to 2 weeks before the event. After that, payed fees are non-refundable.
✦ * Price including VAT for private individuals, excluding VAT for businesses.
✦ Covid-protocol: We are committed to offering you a safe space, also in Corona-terms. Rapid tests or full vaccination are mandatory both days and we will keep 1,5 metres distance during the weekend. The workshop takes place at the beautiful Meditatietuin, an urban retreat center located in the middle of Amstelpark. We will have lots of opportunities to go outside and air out the space.
> Do you have questions?
Anything you would like to know – feel free to reach out to me.
If you would like to join, you can schedule an enrolment conversation via anke [at] or reach out to me via Messenger.
We look forward to meeting you.
Anke, Andrew, Miriam & April

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

De Meditatietuin, Amstelpark 6, Amsterdam, Netherlands


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