About this Event
Who should attend?
This half-day course introduces participants to the challenges that artificial intelligence (AI) poses to personal data. It analyses key issues the nature of AI presents to complying with the UK data protection law regime (the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR), covering data protection principles, such as lawfulness, fairness, transparency and security, and respecting people’s rights. It draws from current developments in the UK and globally, giving participants the skills and knowledge to address the contemporary challenges that come with using new technologies. The course also examines intellectual property ownership as a specific ethical issue relating to AI.
This course will benefit data protection and information governance professionals, risk analysts, policy leaders, AI and ethics officers, senior managers. It is ideal for those with limited AI knowledge and requires basic understanding of data protection law.
“Presenter was excellent. worksheets were well planned and timing for presentation/discussion was well balanced.”
Anonymous Course Participant 2024
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the meaning of AI and the clash between data protection law and training AI models
- Explain the concepts of privacy and ethics in the context of AI.
- Recognise the challenges that AI development brings to processing personal data according to UK data protection law.
- Demonstrate accountability with the UK GDPR when using or developing AI tools.
- Manage of the possible effects decisions made by AI can have on people and those people’s related rights.
- Implement tools for better internal governance and practice to ensure responsible and ethical AI use.
- Identify and raise awareness of the intellectual property challenges AI bring.
What’s included?
- Updated factsheets and handouts prior to the sessions.
- Plenty of opportunities to ask questions during the sessions.
- Links to authoritative resources during the sessions.
- A copy of the PPT slides after the session attended.
- A certificate relevant to the course taken.
- CPD Points via CPD UK (3 for each half day) for each accredited course.
- A digital badge to highlight their participation in the course online.
The contents of the course are based on the assessment of Naomi Korn Associates Ltd at the time the course is run. It should not to be considered legal advice. If such legal advice is required, the opinion of a suitably legally qualified professional should always be sought.
Cancellation policy
Please see Naomi Korn Associates' Public Training Programme Cancellation Policy here.
If you wish to cancel your booking please get in touch with us directly via [email protected].
Please see the Naomi Korn Associates privacy policy.

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Please see the Naomi Korn Associates .
Event Venue
GBP 234.00