About this Event
Arts Accessibility Experts from Think Outside the Vox will walk you through good practices in making your on-line presence accessible to ALL your patrons and artists through image description, captioning, etc. and bringing more Deaf, Blind and Disabled patrons to your events.
About Our Presenter
Think Outside the Vox closes the gap between Deaf/Disabled patrons, BIPOC/AAPI/marginalized/disabled access providers, and arts organizations, which are often inaccessible. They provide arts access consulting and training that centers on anti-ableist/anti-racist disability culture for arts institutions. By customizing access plans equitably and sustainably, they aim to implement measurable change within the sector. Vox focuses on widening the breadth and scope of accessible programming by facilitating the hiring of disabled and marginalized artists and experts.
Event Venue
USD 0.00