About this Event
An interactive workshop for trans and non-binary college instructors (no matter how long you've been teaching, if at all!) on navigating inherently biased course evaluations that are compulsory in many universities. Denise will review the science on anti-LGBTQ, racist, sexist, and fatphobic biases that have been consistently documented in students' evaluations of college instructors -- and how such biases are part of systemic oppression in academia. Collectively, we will strategize ways to avoid or at least navigate transphobic and other inhumane biases in the classroom that resist demands we leave, conform, or shrink in appearance, perspective, or expertise.
Example study (2011): "Inventing a Gay Agenda: Students’ Perceptions of Lesbian and Gay Professors"
Facilitator Bio: Denise! Denise! Ph.D. (they/she) is a trans self-determination coach and proud neurodivergent mixed-Black fat gender outlaw. Denise is a former tenured liberal arts sociology & gender + sexuality studies professor, having co-authored anthologies and recently . She is now a full-time soloproneur as an academic justice consultant and anti-racist trans liberation consultant and coach. http://thehouseofdenise.com -- including the new wild idea to launch a t4t.university.
Event Venue
USD 10.00