30th Hungary Sakura Cup 2025

Sat Apr 12 2025 at 10:00 am to 04:00 pm UTC+02:00

Ludovika Aréna | Budapest

Budapest F\u0151nix Kendo \u00e9s Iaido Klub
Publisher/HostBudapest Főnix Kendo és Iaido Klub
30th Hungary Sakura Cup 2025
We are delighted to announce the 30th Hungary Sakura Cup with a focus on children, juniors, and youth kendokas. The tournament aims to foster new generations. It is also a great way to make new friends from other countries, so come join us for a weekend of formative experiences.
Summary video of Hungary Sakura Cup 2024:

Special guests:
Jean-Pierre Labru 7. dan kendo kyoshi - Technical Diredtor of the European Kendo Federation
Axel Diebold 6. dan kendo , ex-French National Team member and coach
Registration form: https://budapestkendo.hu/en/30-hungary-sakura-cup-2025-eng/
Please return the registration form to [email protected]
Registration deadline: 6 April 2025
Sakura Weekend Timetable:
11 April 2025 (Friday)
Sakura Keiko
Time: 6:00 pm - 07:30 pm
Venue: Budapest Főnix kendo dojo, Kodály Zoltán Ált. Isk. Marczibányi tér 1.
Google Maps: Click here
12 April 2025 (Saturday) - Hungary Sakura Cup 2024
Hall opening: 7.30 am
opening ceremony: 9.30 am
Venue: Ludovika Arena - Budapest, Diószegi Sámuel utca 25, 1089
Google Maps: click here
13 April 2025 (Sunday) - Sakura Kendo Seminar
time: 10.00h - 13.00h
for adults:
Jean-Pierre Labru, 7. kendo, kyoshi
for children and juniors:
Axel Diebold, 6. dan kendo
Venue: Budapest Főnix kendo dojo, Kodály Zoltán Ált. Isk. Marczibányi tér 1.
Google Maps: click here
info: [email protected]
Organizer committee:
Marysia Bober -event manager
Marcell Lukács - event manager
Tibor Bárány - event director
Programme for the Hungary Sakura Cup (Saturday, 12 April):
Registration: 7:30 am – 9:00 am
Opening ceremony: 09:30 am
Venue: Ludovika Arena, Budapest - click here
Categories will run simultaneously on 6 shiaijos, and the exact order of events will be announced after the opening ceremony.
The registration form and registration fees can be found on top of the website.
Please pay the registration fee to the following bank account:
Account Holder Name: Budapest Főnix Kendo és Iaido Klub
Magnet Bank: HU06 1620 0106 1162 1988 0000 0000
Bank transfers must be made by kendo clubs, as individual payments will not be accepted.
Clubs may also choose to pay at the tournament venue on the day.
Kihon categories:
1. Kihon A: 5 - 9 years old (inc.)
2. Kihon B: 10 - 13 years old (inc.)
3. Kihon C: 14 - 17 years old (inc.)
4. Kihon D: 18-21 years old
Competitors in the kihon category cannot compete in the shiai category.
Competitors must perform kirikaeshi and uchikomi geiko on a motodachi in bogu.
Each competitor is limited to one category.
Shiai categories:
5. Junior A: 5 - 9 years old (inc.)(both boys and girls with no grade restrictions
6. Junior B: 10 - 12 years old (inc.) (both boys and girls with no grade restrictions
7. Junior C: 13 - 15 years old (inc.)(both boys and girls with no grade restrictions
8. Junior D: 16 - 17 years old (inc.) (both boys and girls with no grade restrictions
9. Youth men individual event: 18-21 years old, no grade restrictions
10. Youth women individual event: 15 -21 years old, no grade restrictions
Each competitor is limited to one category (except girls).
We will only hold the junior categories if each one has enough competitors. If any of them do not have sufficient numbers, we will inform competitors and form new categories.
Junior Team event:
12. Junior team:
Each team can have 5 kendokas.
Team order restriction in junior team event: Each junior category must fight with its counterpart
senpo: 8 - 12 years old
jiho: 8 - 12 years old
chuken: 13 - 15 years old
fukusho: 16 - 21 years
taisho: 16 - 21 years old
Mixed teams are allowed (girls and boys).
The team order cannot be changed.
Each dojo can enter as many junior teams as possible.
Mixed teams from other dojos are allowed. Organizers will help to form teams.
Other notes:
Organizers reserve the right to change the schedule and categories.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Ludovika Aréna, Diószegi Sámuel utca 25, Budapest 1089, Magyarország,Budapest, Hungary


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