About this Event
Hello, My Dear Ones,
Wishing You All a Blessed New Year!
I am excited about 2025! We will take another slow roll through the 24 Life Components in the coming year. Over the decades, I have taken this deep-dive exploration in varied time frames with differing group configurations. Each time, in private apprenticeship, small group study, or within a year-long accelerated loop, I have always discovered new things about myself and the energetics of life. There are endless ways to apply this template to healing and creating because it is the foundational template for Life itself on an Energetic level.
24 HR Attunement with the highlighted focus on INNER UNION
I invite you all to join me on Monday, January 6th, for the 24 HR Attunement, with the highlighted focus “Inner Union.” Please read the blog post below for more information. We will work with the Energy/Consciousness of Unification and Individuation more comprehensively, diving into the complex inner workings to enlighten them. We will still follow the hourly roadmap through all 24 Life Components to ecologically integrate the Energetic shifts in the smoothest way possible. The base Energetics of the attunement provide a comprehensive whole-life Tune-Up. This unique experience will restore you to Universal Balance as we work holistically throughout the day. The Energy/Consciousness work doesn’t require any action on your part. However, your active observations will bring greater conscious awareness of the Energetics in motion in your life.
This is a 24 HR Remote Energetic Healing/Balancing/Creating Session. Registering for the 24 HR Attunement:
- You may register through the link provided, email, text, or call 978-388-3161, and I will include you.
- Let me know if there are specific areas you would like to focus on.
- Fee: $150. (Standard Fee for an Individual Participant) Checks may be sent to Rebecca Menard, 37 Tanager St, Arlington, MA 02476.
6-7 PM EST Follow-Up Discussion on INNER UNION
I invite everyone participating in this month’s 24 HR Attunement to join me in a follow-up discussion on Zoom. This is a 1 HR Zoom Session for sharing experience and insight, asking questions, and enjoying fellowship on Life’s journey.
This is a 1 HR Follow-Up Discussion, Zoom Session. Registering for the Follow-Up Discussion:
- You may register for this month’s follow-up discussion through the link provided, email, text, or call 978-388-3161, and I will include you.
- Let me know if you have specific questions or concerns you hope to address.
- Fee: $10. (NOTE: The Follow-Up Discussion fee will be waived if you receive a Private Session during the Month)
(Note: The attunements are offered on the first Monday of each Month, and the discussions will be held the following Thursday)
WHOLE LIFE CHANGE - Training on the 24 Life Components
I invite you to take charge of your life and command the change you wish to see in the coming year. Make a year-long commitment to yourself to adapt to a changing world environment and re-create your life. Participation in this Whole Life Change training includes all twelve 24 HR Attunements, and the twelve Follow-Up Discussions offered in 2025. PLUS, you will receive additional Training Energetics during your attunement to up the ante. You will be Initiated into the Wisdom of Unification and Individuation this month and into the Wisdom of the rest of the 24 Life Components over the year. 2025 will bring dramatic change in the world. Seizing the energy of what is occurring makes this an ideal time to upgrade your life. Plan to go deep and transcend limitations in all parts of your life.
Training Requirements & Registration for the Whole Life Change in 2025:
- A One Year Commitment to the 24 HR Attunements and Follow Up Discussions is Required. (The discussions will be recorded for the participants and students unable to attend)
- The fee for this training is $160./month. This includes the Standard Fee of $150. for the 24 HR Attunement plus $10. for the discussion. There are NO additional fees to receive the additional Training Energetics included in this Whole Life Change Training.
- Email, text, or call 978-388-3161 to let me know by Saturday, January 4th
It is an honor to be a part of your journey. I am deeply grateful for your continued support and engagement. Your presence and participation in this event will help create the change we need within humanity.
With light and love,
INNER UNION (Part 1 of 12)
The Inner Components of the Union Lens -
The Union Lens
The Union Lens provides a view of the Energy/Consciousness Stream of All Received into the Oneness of Life. This perspective on Life comes from the orientation of Union, which is perceived through the bottom side of the Cube Model. When you isolate this view, you can envision, empower, and create Union in your Life.
The Inner Components of Union
Unification and Individuation create the constructs of the Macrocosm and Microcosm of Life, operating within the Inner Realm. These Life Components generate the outer parameters and the glue that holds everything together. The Inner Components of Union unify all the parts of an Individual entity, all the people within humanity, and all that exists within our galaxy.
Contemplate this statement. Consider its physics, the wisdom within the life experience it creates, and the feelings it evokes in you. Utilize the statement however you are drawn to; research it, meditate on it, write about it, or repeat it as an affirmation or mantra.
Unification Component - Macrocosm
There is an inherent interconnection with everything in the Universe; the Universals hold this wisdom. This study, though, is focused on Life on planet Earth. Earth is one particular Universal Element. The 24 Life Components template hones in on all that influences Life here. This template reaches the scope of our Galaxy’s parameters. The Energy/Consciousness of the Unification Component specifically governs the constructs of this Macrocosm, the Milky Way Galaxy, from the Inner Realm.
Unification - Imagination/ExtraSensory Perception Excercise:
Imagine it until you can perceive it.
Working With Light:
- Imagine you are sitting in a dark room. All you can see is black.
- Now, imagine light coming into the room. The colors of the rainbow appear one at a time: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
- Imagine all the colors of light coming in simultaneously, unifying into a pure white light that fills the room.
Individuation Component - Microcosm
We live in a holographic universe where "all is within each part” and “the part is equal to the whole.” Each Individuated living organism is an autonomous, miniature Microcosm that encapsulates the characteristics of the whole Macrocosm. Each Individual being has the power to create and the Freewill Conscious Choice to utilize that power. The Energy/Consciousness of the Individuation Component specifically governs the constructs of the Microcosm from the Inner Realm.
Individuation - Imagination/ExtraSensory Perception Excercise:
Imagine it until you can perceive it.
Finding All Within Yourself:
- Think of ‘something’ within life, anything … a person, tree, animal, or planet, for example.
- Now, turn your focus within yourself and find the space within where the reflection of that ‘something’ resides.
- Consider the idea - To perceive ‘something,’ it must already exist within you.
The 24 HR Attunement shifts tons of energy to clear the way for success in your life. Being a truly holistic attunement; all areas within you and within your life are impacted – health, career, personal well-being, relationships. You can expect profound changes to occur over the course of 12 months.
The 24 Hour Attunement was developed over the course of a 10 year intensive research project focused on finding the best way to support holistic living, healing from debilitating physical and mental illness, overcoming personal challenges and wounding that gets in the way of self-actualization. And to do this in the most powerful, efficient way that can be safely integrated into one’s regular life flow. We can’t all sit on the mountain top for the next ten years.
All human beings are spiritual beings with a direct connection to the creative source of life. All human beings are made of energy and living a life governed by universal principles that direct the flow of that energy. It is these universal principles that are utilized to balance and align your energy field in a way that the life force within you, and the unfolding of time naturally, effect the changes in your life that are necessary to achieve a balanced state of being.
Do I need to come to you, be on zoom or otherwise communicate with you on the attunement day?
NO, IT IS A REMOTE HEALING. The attunement is 24 hours of energy work following a specific protocol. Each hour is balancing a different area of your life which is being perpetually created by a particular stream of energy. You participate by receiving the energy work throughout the day, but this is done at a distance. You DO NOT need to come in person, be on zoom or otherwise communicate. You may proceed with your normal activities. You can choose the level to which you engage with the energetics throughout the day.
Can I communicate with you on the attunement day?
YES. If there is anything you wish to communicate, while the attunement is underway, by all means please send me a message via text or email. I do check these throughout the day.
Will you communicate with me on the attunement day?
NO. I do not typically communicate with participants during the attunement. Only on the rare occasions where cognition is essential to support the rebalancing. I am working with pure energetics. This requires my full attention at the quantum level which is beyond words, making verbal communication difficult.
Will you communicate with me after the attunement?
I will not ordinarily have follow up communication with you specifically about the attunement. Regular clients receive a combination of 24 HR Attunements and private sessions. And for students, each training block includes a one on one training session to coincide with the training energetics received during the attunement. It is during these sessions that consciousness is brought to the shifting energy and how it relates to the personal work you are doing in your life.
The attunement protocol is working with the energetics of your whole life. They are complex and shifting every second of the 24 hours. I do not try to extract particular information about what the energy shifts translate to in your life. The entirety of this would be the story of your life, beginning to end, from every possible perspective. Personally, I think in pictures and work in forms, thus words don’t come easily for me. The energy must be humming along for me to have the bandwidth to translate into language.
If you have a specific question though, you may email it to me and I will respond during the week following the attunement.
How should I prepare for the attunement?
You do not need to do anything in particular to prepare. But, as we go into the attunement, if you have any areas of concern or places where you have a desire for change, let me know and we will weave these intentions into the day. The general holistic balancing will theoretically address all areas of imbalance, but in practice I have found it can be helpful to bring in focused intentions. At the very least, it is helpful for you to cognitively connect to the energetics. Thus, if there is anything in particular that you would like to highlight during the attunement, let me know.
What should I do on the attunement day?
During the 24 hours of energy balancing simply stay open and aware of what is occurring within you and your life throughout the day. You may proceed with your normal routine of work, family and self-care. If you are able to take the day to simply be present with the process it can deepen your conscious awareness of the shifts occurring, but it is not necessary to receive the energetic benefits of the attunement.
It can be helpful to jot down any observations you have throughout the day, particularly anything unusual or striking and the time that it occurs. This can be an awareness, strong emotion, body sensations, thoughts of the past, an unusual idea or being drawn to something new. Each hour is balancing a different stream of energy influencing you and your life. The awareness you have during the balancing can be helpful to you as the energy unfolds over time. It is not in any way necessary for the shifts being set in motion but it can help to bring conscious awareness to your journey.
You choose your level of engagement. This can range from simple consciousness of the attunement occurring as you proceed with your day to a full day of transformative engagement. The 24 HR Attunement can be a highly supportive backdrop for diving into deeper, more focused personal work. You can journal throughout the day as you follow the 24 Life Component roadmap or another more personally structured protocol. Participants will often plan significant life events on the attunement day. This could be an important business meeting, surgery or family occasion. During the attunement you are in a powerful field of energy that has been designed to preserve and optimize human life. It will envelop you with the energetic support to optimize these types of events.
What happens if I do nothing and just proceed with my day?
You will receive the full energetic benefit of the balancing.
What will I experience on the attunement day?
IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU... There is a vast range of experience and awareness, for different individuals. Some people are not aware of the energy shifting while others are acutely aware all day. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. How this is felt pivots on your intuitive channels and sensory awareness. Each attunement is varied as well depending on your state of being on the day, the “stuff” that is up to be balanced and the highlighted focus for the month. Often, the day will be unusually smooth and synchronistic as the energy is shifting you towards and holding you in universal balance. This is the most common feedback I hear from people.
There are also times when an area of imbalance will surface into your awareness. These are usually old energies (emotions, beliefs that no longer serve, wounding...) that are clearing out. You may have unexpected contact from people in your life or from your past. You may have new opportunities and connections that show up. New ideas, innovative solutions or other aha types of moments may come to you throughout the day. I find it very telling and purposeful what presents on an attunement day. It is always significant and informs you about your life from a universal perspective.
What do you experience and what do you do on the attunement day?
Every attunement is different. I can be immobilized by the energy or able to freely move about. Sometimes the greatest aspect of work for me is in the setup before the start at midnight or, post attunement as the work integrates. I am hypersensitive and empathic so I am feeling the whole life energy of all the participants. I need to process all of this sensory awareness which takes time beyond the 24 hours.
The mainframe of balancing the universals and the 24 Life Components is all automated (this took many years to establish). So I am monitoring everyone and manually addressing any particular area that someone is not automatically coming into balance. I am also addressing any specific imbalances that highlight during the day for individuals or the group as a whole. Sometimes I am channeling specific information coming through that needs to be communicated to facilitate the balancing process.
Each attunement has a highlighted topic area of balancing or creation that I am working with during the 24 hours. And the attunement is the backdrop for students to receive the training energetics. Thus, I am managing students working with various training blocks within the six year or 72 training block program. I work with a spreadsheet to keep track of all this.
Do you stay awake for the whole 24 HRs?
Sometimes I am awake for the whole 24 hours, while other times I am able to rest. It is not exactly sleep but more of a deep journey state. I equate this with caring for an infant. If all the participants are smoothly moving through the preset path of balancing I can rest like one does with a sleeping baby next to them. But the moment something or someone needs my attention I am awakened to attend the need.
How does the attunement work?
I am working with energy/consciousness models that take the form of the universals in life. They are in the shape of the platonic solids and encompassing sphere. These working models have been built into the fabric of reality through the living experience of hundreds of people. They are grounded in the core of the earth and movement through the preset pathway is generated by the earth’s rotation (for the 24 hr cycle).
The 24 HR Attunement hones in and highlights the 24 Life Components. This is a mapping of the cube model of time on earth. It directly connects to the earth’s rotation on its axis, your circadian rhythm and the day cycle. It differentiates each of the 24 streams of energy influencing the unfolding of your life over time. In viewing the microcosm of one of these streams, the body system for instance, the 24 signature is found in the DNA. 23 pairs of chromosomes are visible while the 24th is purely energetic. Your DNA is like a written record of instructions providing your body’s parameters within life. Each of the 24 Life Components is being governed by a similar stream determining the parameters.
Once you are set up to begin at midnight it's like being buckled in your seat on a roller coaster. The earth would have to stop rotating on its axis for the movement through the life components to stop. It is a well traveled path, I have brought groups through thousands of times which, like other experiences within humanity, or water in a canal, makes the journey smoother and easier with each pass through.
How and why do you work with people while they are doing other things?
The attunement energetics were designed to be homogenous with your normal life flow. Historically people separated themselves from regular society to seek a path of enlightenment and this meant that only a small percentage of people had access to these types of teachings and support.
Still today, many people need to take a break away from regular life to open to this kind of learning. This can be a beneficial thing to do, but it is not always available to people with active lives. And, as you know, the dense material world is not really separate from higher vibrations, the world of spirit and pure energetics. It is all here right now. We really don’t need to go to the mountain top.
The objective in creating the 24 HR Attunement structure was to bring these high vibration energetics and teachings right into an individual's regular day to day life flow. This applies to the attunement day as well as the integration and unfolding of the energetics. Years were spent developing the energetics to be subtle and perfectly synchronized with your life flow. This makes the work accessible to anyone. But because of this, it can take some time to become familiar with the work and how it is shifting things within you and your life. Many times this is clearer with raised consciousness in retrospect.
Humanity has evolved and been shifting this dynamic as more spiritual teachings are available. The path of enlightenment is available to anyone and it doesn’t require leaving family, career or other things behind. Only if these are misaligned with your true nature. Now, since the pandemic, it is more important than ever that people evolve and raise their vibration, the survival and well being of humanity is dependent upon it. Thank you for being a part of the shift to a New(more evolved & higher vibration) Normal.
What happens after the attunement during the One Month Integration period and the One Year Unfolding period?
The attunement day is setting up the shift to move you towards greater universal balance. At midnight, once the attunement is complete, the energy launches into motion moving through your life in a particular way over time. It takes one month for the shifts to integrate into your energy field and it takes one year for the transformation to fully unfold within your life.
The Integration: During the Integration period people will often notice a sense of movement as their energy field realigns. This will stimulate processing as old energy imbalances release, new balanced connections and opportunities come in and the basic elements making up your life shift into greater harmonic concordance. Some things you may experience are emotional releases, physical changes in your body, intuitive awareness coming in as well as shifting beliefs and ways of thinking about things in your life. You may find yourself expressing more authentically or experiencing changing dynamics in your relationships. This sense of rearrangement usually settles after a month as the attunement is fully absorbed into your energy field.
The Unfolding: Once the energy medicine is absorbed and you are in a more balanced state of being, the impact of this begins to unfold and ripple through your life as a whole. Many changes require time. A career shift or move for instance, may take months before it is complete and you are in a new position/location. Many changes involve a process that requires time such as healing a wound, moving through grief, developing intuition, or awakening to a new perspective and way of being in the world. The transformative effect of the 24 HR Attunement, like all major changes in life, necessitates a year cycle to be fully set in place.
If it takes a year to unfold, do I need to wait a year before I do another 24 HR Attunement?
No. I typically recommend monthly 24 HR Attunements to maintain balance on your optimal path. Life can pull you off track and regular attunements will reinforce the changes you have already made to keep you centered, grounded and moving forward in your evolution. There is also a cumulative effect with regular attunements that progresses you closer to universal balance.
Event Venue
USD 161.90 to USD 215.26