Ryuji Shirakawa Shihan is 6 dan Aikikai from Sendai, Japan. Shihan is Dojocho of Aikido Shinbu Rensei Juku with more than 30 years experience in Aikido. This is 5th time to invite Ryuji Shirakawa Sensei holding Aikido Seminar in Taipei. Please fill in the following information to complete your registration. If you are coming from other country, please see below information of dormitory and location on the bottom or you can contact us for assistance.(白川竜次師範合氣會6段來自日本仙台,師範是合気道神武錬成塾的道場長,有30年以上的資歷並常年在歐洲與亞洲許多國家教學,今年是他第5次來台灣開為期1整天的合氣道講習會,請填寫或勾選以下表格完成報名程序。外國道友請見貼文最下方有住宿資訊。)
Please refer to the schedule and location below google map(目前擬於臺灣大學綜合體育館B1柔道室進行本次講習會):
2024/12/22, 9:30 ~ 12:00, 14:00 ~ 16:30 > Judo Dojo, B1 NTU Sports Center,(國立臺灣大學綜合體育館,台大新體B1柔道室)>> 80 attendees max.
The registration fee(NTD) for this Aikido Seminar is 1000 per day. Starting from 2024/11/12~12/ 12( Students get 50% discount). <報名自11/12~12/12截止, 報名費: 1000元; 在校學生一率半價優惠。(TIAA會員優惠 700元。)
Please bring your Aikikai International Yudansha Book (if you have one) to the seminar.
Participants from overseas can make on-site payments instead of international remittances but must complete their seminar registration by December 5th. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
麻煩完成報名費繳款並填寫下方報名表單,繳款銀行帳號(兆豐國際商銀北新竹分行): (017) 026-09-02509-8 匯款戶名:台灣國際合氣道連盟。
Please complete the payment and fill out the registration form below. The designated bank account for money transfer is (017)026-09-02509-8 beneficiary name: Taiwan International Aikido Alliance (Mega International Commercial Bank North Hsinchu Branch).
Remittance can be made from any bank to Mega International Commercial Bank North Hsinchu Branch (beneficiary name: Taiwan International Aikido Alliance) or at ATMs. Please keep the money transfer statement and provide the last 5 digits of your account for payment confirmation.
The registration will end on Dec. 12, 2024. Please complete your payment and fill out the registration form before that date.
Parking information 停車場資訊,請參考以下Google Map:,121.5330899,17z/data=!3m1!4b1?hl=en&entry=ttu
Airbnb nearby:台灣台北市台灣大學/homes?refinement_paths%5B0%5D=%2Fhomes&adults=1&children=0&infants=0&allow_override%5B0%5D&checkin=2018-11-02&checkout=2018-11-05&ne_lat=25.02491514518014&ne_lng=121.53825826410934&sw_lat=25.018328555286402&sw_lng=121.52978248362228&zoom=16&search_by_map=true&min_beds=1&min_bedrooms=1&min_bathrooms=1&languages%5B0%5D=1&amenities%5B0%5D=33&map_toggle=true&s_tag=Oj2i27px
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
台大综合體育館, 台灣106台北市大安區Sports Center,Taipei, Taiwan