Entertainment Events in Macclesfield

Check out happening entertainment events all around Macclesfield, EN

The Xmashitshow Macclesfield

Sat Dec 07 2024 at 07:00 pm The Heritage Center GBP 10

Mozart on Tour (Paris)

Sat Sep 28 2024 at 07:30 pm The King's School in Macclesfield

Scream Halloween Outdoor Cinema at Capesthorne Hall

Sun Oct 13 2024 at 06:00 pm Capesthorne Hall

Artistic Echoes 10th Anniversary Celebrations

Sat Oct 12 2024 at 07:30 pm King Edward Street Chapel Macclesfield

Chinese Marbles & Pulp Fiction Party Night at Cinemac

Sat Sep 28 2024 at 06:00 am Cinemac Cinema

Hocus Pocus Outdoor Cinema Spooktacular at Capesthorne Hall

Sat Oct 12 2024 at 05:30 pm Capesthorne Hall

Ada Lovelace Day

Sat Oct 12 2024 at 10:30 am The New Macclesfield School of Art

Kathleen Ferrier Whattalife! - Lucy Stevens

Fri Oct 11 2024 at 07:00 pm Macclesfield Library

The Lost Boys Halloween Outdoor Cinema at Capesthorne Hall

Fri Oct 11 2024 at 06:00 pm Capesthorne Hall

RedWillow Lager and Sausage Fest

Sat Oct 05 2024 at 12:00 pm 32a Park Green, SK11 7NA Macclesfield, United Kingdom

Christmas Fair

Sat Nov 30 2024 at 11:30 am St Paul's Church, Macclesfield

The Macclesfield BIG BANG - Bonfire & Fireworks Festival

Fri Nov 01 2024 at 06:00 pm Priory Lane GBP 0 to 44

69Minutes of Comedy

Sun Sep 29 2024 at 04:00 pm PARK TAVERN GBP 7

Macclesfield Comedy Club Christmas Special

Fri Dec 06 2024 at 09:00 pm Cinemac Cinema

Crisis Live at The Swan With Two Necks

Sat Oct 19 2024 at 08:00 pm The Swan With Two Necks

80's Monster Mash Tribute Festival!

Sat Oct 26 2024 at 12:00 pm Cinemac Cinema

Live Music- Olivia Robinson at The Knot Inn, Rushton

Fri Oct 25 2024 at 08:00 pm Station Lane, SK11 0QU Rushton Spencer, United Kingdom

Olivia Robinson @ The Knot Inn

Fri Oct 25 2024 at 08:00 pm The Knot Inn, Rushton

Macclesfield Comedy Club @ RedWillow

Thu Dec 19 2024 at 09:30 pm 32a Park Green SK11 7NA Macclesfield, United Kingdom

Remembrance Sunday

Sun Nov 10 2024 at 01:15 pm Church Lane, SK11 0DS Macclesfield, United Kingdom

BE Sing @ St Michael's Church

Sat Dec 21 2024 at 08:00 pm St Michael's Church, Macclesfield

Churchyard Carols 2024

Mon Dec 23 2024 at 08:00 pm St Paul's Church, Macclesfield

Oktober fest is back

Fri Oct 18 2024 at 02:00 pm Old Millstone Macclesfield.

Kids Halloween Party 🎃👻

Thu Oct 31 2024 at 06:00 pm Old Millstone Macclesfield.

Spooky Neon Party Night

Fri Nov 01 2024 at 08:30 pm Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SB Macclesfield, United Kingdom

Macclesfield Comedy Club @ RedWillow

Fri Nov 15 2024 at 09:30 pm 32a Park Green SK11 7NA Macclesfield, United Kingdom