Yoga for Self-Transformation: 3-part series with Leila Swenson

Sat Jan 06 2024 at 12:00 pm to Sat Mar 02 2024 at 03:00 pm

Yoga Kula | Berkeley

Yoga Kula
Publisher/HostYoga Kula
Yoga for Self-Transformation: 3-part series with Leila Swenson
Curious about the deeper dimensions of yoga, considering or going through a big life change? Join our 3-part series.
About this Event

First Saturday of the month from January to March 2024:

  • January 6, 12-3pm: Yoga & New Beginnings
  • February 3, 12-3pm: The Heart of Yoga Practice
  • March 2, 12-3pm: All Life is Yoga

Self-Transformation is at the heart of yoga practice. Whether you are newer to yoga, have been practicing a very long time, or somewhere in between, the teachings are timeless in that they meet us exactly where we are in the present moment of our life's journey.

If you are curious about the deeper dimensions of yoga, considering or going through a big life change, searching for purpose or meaning in your life, wanting a healthier relationship with yourself and others, seeking inspiration in your practice, and/or looking for community, holistic well-being, happiness, and peace... This may be a good place to start.

This three-part series will focus on the transformational aspects of yoga on the mat (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually), as well as the teachings and practice that have potential to change our lives off the mat.

The three sessions with their unique corresponding themes will provide an opportunity for inquiry, exploration, community connection, discovery, and over time, Self-Transformation.


January 6th, 12-3pm

January's theme will center around the thought-provoking subject of yoga origins and meaning, both from source texts and our own personal experience. The ongoing and engaging inquiry of "what is yoga" and "who am I" will be a foundation for this month, as well as setting our sincere and truthful intentions for practice.

January's yoga practice will center around grounding and stabilizing standing and seated postures, emphasizing roots, foundation, and strength, with flexibility enhanced as well, to adapt to present time experience encompassing creativity, connection, and flow.


February 3rd, 12-3pm

February's theme will center around sādhanā, the sanskrit word for practice as a means of realization, and what is encouraged on this spiritual path of yoga, for it to be successful.

February's yoga practice will center around the core and heart center, encompassing the ability to be strong and centered, as well as open and vulnerable. It takes courage to keep up our practice in seeing clearly and living authentically with whatever is present in our lives. With Session One as a strong foundation for our practice, we can dive deeper into balancing our strength and flexibility, as well as knowing ourselves on and off the mat.


March 2nd, 12-3pm

March's theme will center around this significant teaching of Sri Aurobindo: "All life is yoga." How is it that our inner realizations and transformations that happen on our yoga mats may begin to (and continue to) inform how we live our lives off the yoga mat? Our perspective and lens may widen, and with this shift we may encounter an expansive sense of Self that has more potential than we realized. As the third and final session in this series, it is the seed of our continually unfolding Self-Transformation.

March's yoga practice will center around more subtle practices that encourage us to hear our own inner voice, intuition, and wisdom. This includes a complete yoga posture practice to ground us and enliven us, as well as chanting mantra, sitting in silent meditation, and surrendering to deep relaxation and pure awareness.

Each session will include:

  • Welcome Circle: Introductions & Check-In
  • Mantra Meditation
  • Discussion of Monthly Theme including time for Personal Contemplation and (optional) Sharing
  • All Levels Vinyasa (Flow-Based) and Restorative Yoga Practice
  • Deep Relaxation
  • Closing Circle: Meditation & Reflections

For the most benefit it is recommended to participate in all three sessions as they are designed as a complete series, however sessions can be taken on their own if necessary.


Early bird- Reserve by December 15th:

  • $195 all three sessions ($65 each)
  • $70 each session (if registered for individually)

After December 15th:

  • $225 all three sessions ($75 each)
  • $80 each session (if registered for individually)

Space is limited... Reserve early to save your spot!

A personal note from Leila: I developed and created this workshop series because Self-Transformation is the reason I found yoga, (or perhaps yoga found me). In the year 2000, I signed up for a Self-Transformation Program at the Himalayan Institute. I was in a tough place in my life at the time, and knew I needed something powerful to guide me out of it. Self-Transformation seemed like a good idea. Little did I know that the residential program at the Himalayan Institute was all about yoga, meditation, and more! I lived, served, and studied there for two months. Being at the Himalayan Institute changed my life and is the seed of my yoga practice and teaching today.

While I was fortunate at that time to step away from my life and study yoga in the mountains of Pennsylvania, I realize not everyone has that opportunity today to do so, for various reasons. My idea for this workshop series is to offer something that creates space for the experience of Self-Transformation, without having to step away completely from daily life and its responsibilities to do it.

The three monthly sessions will be like mini-retreat experiences, where what is learned can be reflected upon in the month to come, and integrated into practice and life. Yoga is powerfully transformative wherever it is practiced, and if you feel called, I would be honored to share something that stems from the seed of my own practice and Self-Transformation, with you.

Recommended to bring:

  • yoga mat (if you do not have one you can borrow one at the studio; props are also available at the studio as needed)
  • comfortable clothes to practice in, as well as layers to adjust to personal body temperature preferences
  • eye pillow (or soft piece of clothing/small towel to cover the eyes)
  • journal/notebook and pen
  • water bottle and/or cup for hot tea (hot water and tea bags will be provided, or feel free to bring your own favorite tea)
  • open mind and heart

For an even deeper Self-Transformation experience: Consider joining the 9:30-10:45am Vinyasa class with Leila beforehand. If you choose to do this, make sure to reserve your spot in advance on the schedule page. You can sign-up for a single drop-in class or use your class package. Feel free to bring lunch, (or buy lunch from any of the amazing eateries around the studio and you can bring it back to the studio), for a lunch break until the Self-Transformation session begins at 12pm.

All are welcome... See you there!


Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Yoga Kula, 1700 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, United States


USD 70.00 to USD 225.00

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