Yasmin Williams (US) at Musikhuset København - udsolgt

Thu Sep 08 2022 at 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Musikhuset København | Herlev

Publisher/HostALICE cph
Yasmin Williams (US) at Musikhuset K\u00f8benhavn - udsolgt
Med sin uortodokse spillestil bryder det unge guitartalent Yasmin Williams med den amerikanske folktradition og fremmaner nye lydlige fortællinger. Til september fylder hun Musikhuset København med sine funklende originale kompositioner.
Døre kl 19 / Show kl 20
Køb billet i forsalg: 120 dkk inkl gebyr
Køb billet: https://bit.ly/3LkVAzb

OBS: Koncerten finder sted i Musikhuset København.
Det amerikanske guitartalent Yasmin Williams er skudt hurtigt mod stjernerne de seneste år. Med sin originale, intuitive spillestil og ekstremt vellydende akustiske guitararrangementer formår hun både at reclaime og videreføre den amerikanske folktradition. Williams er opvokset i det nordlige Virginia i et hjem, hvor musik mest var noget der flød fra radioen, indtil et møde med Guitar Hero 2 i 2009 åbnede en helt ny verden for hende. Hun begyndte at udforske guitaren og lærte sig sin egen opfindsomme tilgang til instrumentet, og allerede i gymnasiet udgav hun sin debut EP, som hun selv havde mixet og produceret.
Siden er det gået hurtigt for den nu 25-årige guitarist, der har udviklet sin egen uortodokse spillestil med alternative tunings og percussive teknikker. Med den akustiske guitar på skødet spinder Yasmin Williams med avanceret fingerspilsteknik funklende guitarkompositioner, der sender tankerne mod ikoner som John Fahey og Robbie Basho, men som samtidig bryder med enhver tradition og fremmaner nye fortællinger fra instrumentet. Yasmin Williams er nu aktuel med sit andet album “Urban Driftwood” (2021), som har fået blandt andet New York Times til at kalde hende “one of the country’s most imaginative young solo guitarists”. Vi glæder os til at høre hende spille Musikhuset op med sine smukke arrangementer til september.
In English:
With her unorthodox style and rich, harmonious guitar arrangements, the young guitar talent Yasmin Williams breaks with the American folk tradition, conjuring new stories and possibilities from the instrument.
Yasmin Williams is an acoustic fingerstyle guitarist with an unorthodox, modern style of playing. She utilizes various techniques including alternate tunings, percussive hits, and lap tapping in her music to great effect. She grew up in northern Virginia where various genres of music from smooth jazz to hip-hop flowed from the radio. She was introduced to the guitar after playing the video game Guitar Hero 2 and taught herself how to play the guitar by ear. After a few years of playing the electric guitar, she taught herself how to play the bass guitar, 12 string guitar, and classical guitar before eventually deciding to switch her focus to the acoustic guitar because of the instrument's versatility. While in high school, she released her first EP Serendipity in 2012, which she recorded and mixed herself.
With the guitar often on her lap, Williams creates extremely rich and harmonious guitar arrangements and breaks with the American folk tradition, conjuring new stories and possibilities from the instrument. Yasmin Williams released her second solo album “Urban Driftwood” last year, which has received critical acclaim from numerous major publications including The New York Times, Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, NPR Music and more, and which has made The New York Times calling her “one of the country’s most imaginative young solo guitarists”. We can’t wait to present Yasmin Williams in Musikhuset this September.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Musikhuset København, Vesterbrogade 59,Copenhagen, Denmark, Herlev


DKK 120.0

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