• 7pm: Pre-show Short Films & Videos
• 8pm: UNMASKING THE IDOL (1986, USA, 90m), trailer:
Directed by
WORTH KEETER (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Snapdragon, The Order of the Black Eagle, L.A. Bounty, Dogs of Hell, Tales from the Third Dimension)
Screenplay by
PHIL BEHRENS (The Order of the Black Eagle)
Based on a story by
Masked, evil cult terrorist Scarlet Leader wants nuclear missiles to start WW3 and has the gold bars to pay for them! It’s up to James Bond-wannabe Duncan Jax, a ninja sporting a chainmail burka, along with his wiseass baboon sidekick and a ragtag team of special mission experts, to stop the sale and preserve the status quo.
poster: https://i.imgur.com/9xWPf0K.jpg
large poster: https://i.imgur.com/qqcBuhf.jpg
No Cover. Mature Subject Matter for Immature Adults (Ages 18+).
Event Venue
Stoney's DC, 1433 P St NW,Washington D.C., Washington, United States