It all started from the heart warming response of the Chennai show and Vijay Antony Live In Concert took off as a tour, completely 6 more successful show across India & Overseas. Considering the urge & requests, Noise and Grains are set to make history in the city yet again with more bigger & grandeur experience.The Man who is been ruling the word “OG VIBE” since 2005, being every 90s kids favourite. Vijay Antony is well known for Tamil rap and this genre began to rise in Kollywood from him.Among his vast body of work, Vijay Antony has crafted a collection of timeless songs that remain eternally cherished by his audience. Notable among these are tracks like “Saathikadi,” “Aathichudi,” and “Machakanni,” just to name a few, but the list extends demonstrating the lasting power of his musical creations.In a rapidly evolving musical landscape, the fact that Vijay Antony’s songs are still people’s favourite and the artist’s enduring influence in the world of music. With a career spanning several decades, he has left an indelible mark on the Indian music industry.Disclaimer: Please note that all registrations and tickets are exclusively available on Insider. Beware of unauthorized parties claiming to issue tickets. Tickets purchased or secured from other sources will not be valid.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
YMCA, Chennai, India