About this Event
Understanding Forced Marriage and so-called ‘Honour’ Based Abuse
(This training is for professionals working in Coventry only)
Welcome to our online event where we delve into the important topics of Forced Marriage and so-called ‘Honour’ Based Abuse.
This training provides a basic awareness and overview of Forced Marriage and so-called ‘Honour’ Based Abuse.
Suitable for all professionals working with adults and / or children, particularly in BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) communities.
Learning Outcomes:
-To understand the difference between Forced Marriage and Arranged Marriage, the definitions and prevalence.
-To gain an understanding of Domestic Abuse and so-called ‘Honour’ Based Abuse and recognise the key warning signs.
-To gain an awareness of the barriers faced within BME communities.
-To be confident in supporting someone experiencing so called ‘Honour’ Based Abuse / Forced Marriage with cultural competence and a ‘whole family’ approach.
-Legislation awareness.
-Best Practice guidance.
Event Venue
USD 0.00