Dear great tango soulsWelcome to our fourth edition of Ukraine Benefit Milonga!
The intention of this event is to collect as many as possible donations to support Ukraine in defending its land and lives.
Our first 3 editions did have unprecedented success, thanks to all your efforts we did collect 35.070 euro in total. The impact of your donations in facts:
As it was previously, the team of hosts will cover organisational costs to send all your donations to support Ukraine, via volunteers that we personally know and trust:
Mik&Julia (life saving tools & medications)
Natalia Shylova:
- Psychological support for Ukrainians who lost their beloved people at the war and groups of psychological stability to keep healthy mind going through the constant distress of the war. These groups of support are free for the participants.
Valentina Belyaeva (Bella Eva) & Ivanov Oleksii are tangueros and organisers of milonga Yo soy la Milonga del río & TESOROMÍO TANGO MARATHON KYIV. Since February 2022 they are donating profit from their events to the urgent needs of our tango friends, who are now at the frontline.
Your donations would be equally distributed between these 3 volunteer initiatives.
What to expect:
1. You will add your positive heart intention to support Ukrainians to protect their lives and home.
2. A Milonga Benefit for Ukraine - 100% of your donations will support the following volunteer projects in Ukraine.
3. New spectacular location, where tango will be danced for the first time. FREE PARKING, 250 m2 of dancing and lounge space in the freshly renovated historical Monument building.
Perfectly equipped to host 200+ participants.
4. Seven hours of tango with 2 great TDJs Estefa Capriotti (ARG) & Age Akkerman (NL)!
What if you empathise whole-heartedly, you want to join our initiative, but cannot come for some reason?
You can donate via: link coming soon
- Bank account holder: Sebastian Coli Bazzini IBAN: NL63 INGB 0006 2513 12. Comment: Personal Donation for Ukraine Benefit Milonga
- PayPal: [email protected]
Mentioning the purpose of donation in a format "Personal Donation for Ukraine Benefit Milonga"
What else?
ENTRANCE FEE: a donation as your heart will suggest you (online payment or cash - both welcome)
To create even more uniting atmosphere, we decided this time propose you a potluck format! Grab your favourite food to share with tango family 😊
Welcome Ukrainian drink is waiting for at the entrance - be in time, before it disappears!
For the water we would use paper cups. Put your name on it
At the bar you will find alcohol and soft drinks with friendly prices.
Please, do not bring your own drinks.
NO REGISTRATIONS, there is limited space for 200+ dancers, please COME EARLY
How to get there:
Parking right in front of the entrance.
Public transport – train/metro to Amsterdam Amstel Station + 13 min walk
By bike:
7 min by Bike from Amsterdam Amstel Station (using your OV chip-card you can rent a bike at the Central Station
With gratitude to all of you, Ukraine Benefits Milonga team:
Sebastian & Age & Julia
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
James Wattstraat 56-58, 1097 DM Amsterdam, Nederland, James Wattstraat 56, 1097 DM Amsterdam, Nederland,Amsterdam, Netherlands