About this Event
If you enjoy the poetry Ryan shares on the Qi Curious Whatsapp and want to enage with it more deeply, here is a chance to do so. We will meet on Zoom and each week Ryan will share 3 poems as inspiration for your own writing. If you want to share your writings with the group, you're welcome to do so.
(If you don't know what the Qi Curious Whatsapp is, or are not a member, you can join by using this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LbTWnkTYBpd0FGeR1xvLtj )
By writing to these poems we can deepen our relationship with them, as well as reveal ourselves to ourselves (sometimes in surprising and meaningful ways) on the page. Witnessing other people as they share their own writing can also be a soul-making, soul-deepening practice, if you listen with presence.
There is tiered ticket pricing from $5-$200. The recommended contribution is $150; you are welcome to select whichever tier you feel is appropriate for you.
We'll meet 8 times on 8 consecutive Mondays, from 7-9pm, following this simple format each week:
- shorth check ins
- group agreements (you can read our group agreements below)
- Ryan reads 1st poem
- ~5-10min solo writing time
- optional sharing
- Ryan reads 2nd poem
- ~5-10min solo writing time
- break
- optional sharing
- Ryan reads 3rd poem
- ~5-10min solo writing time
- optional share
- brief check out
PLEASE NOTE: We will meet the following 8 times. Please don't sign up unless you can attend at least 6, in order to leave space for others who will be more engaged.
Monday, March 17th, 7-9pm
Monday, March 24th, 7-9pm
Monday, March 31st, 7-9pm
Monday, April 7th, 7-9pm
Monday, April 14th, 7-9pm
Monday, April 21st, 7-9pm
Monday, April 28th, 7-9pm
Monday, May 5th, 7-9pm
Our group agreements will be as follows:
1. Non-Judgment
We agree to practice for the sake of practice without criticism, praise, or apology. We commit not to comment, and especially not to praise. We grant ourselves permission to write wildly, poorly, and even to fail. We write to discover: not to craft, claim, or prove. We offer the inner-critic a break from vigilance. We take respite from the joy-stealing realm of comparison.
2. Shared Responsibility
We agree to take responsibility for the impact of our words, actions, and energy. Together, we will create a community defined by authentic inclusion. We agree that everyone matters, those within this circle, and those without. Everyone. We speak and act accordingly: without racism, sexism, nationalism, abilism, agism, fat phobia, homophobia, transphobia, or other forms of bias. If we stumble, we will acknowledge our mistakes and apologize. When we stumble, we will stumble toward each other.
3. Self Care
We agree to attend to our own physical and emotional needs. While we a creating a brave space which is safer than most, we are ultimately responsible for choosing and managing our own level of disclosure.
4. Confidentiality & Consent
We agree not to retell other writer's stories. If we wish to speak with someone about their writing we will ask permission first, prepared to gracefully accept their decline. We will not ask during a session, even at the break or on the way out the door, which is often too soon. We agree not to offer unsolicited advice.
5. Honesty
We agree to say the truest thing we can say within our chosen level of disclosure. We agree to come as we are. We will do our best to ditch our scripts and worn-out stories.
6. Listening with the Heart
We agree to listen whole-heartedly, without judgement, and with attentive curiosity. When someone is reading or speaking, we will give ourselves over to luxury of listening without the worry of what to say next. We practice listening in a way that is as open and receptive as the face of an owl. On an inner level, we agree to actively pull for whomever is speaking.
7. Kindness
We agree to practice radical kindness with each other and with ourselves. We will practice including ourselves in the circle of kindness we will be helping to create.
Permission granted to copy and utilize these agreements anywhere and everywhere they may be of benefit! Please cite nanseymour.com as your source.
Event Venue
USD 5.00 to USD 200.00