From DreamWorks Animation comes a new adaptation of a literary sensation, Peter Brown‘s beloved, award-winning, #1 New York Times bestseller, “The Wild Robot.” The epic adventure follows the journey of a robot–ROZZUM unit 7134, “Roz” for short–that is shipwrecked on an uninhabited island and must learn to adapt to the harsh surroundings, gradually building relationships with the animals on the island and becoming the adoptive parent of an orphaned gosling. Acclaimed filmmaker Chris Sanders (THE LION KING, MULAN, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON), has crafted another gem that is currently nominated for a Best Animated Film at this year’s Golden Globe Awards.“Family audiences rejoice! The Oscar for Best Animated Film belongs right here in this enchanting tale of a robot, voiced by the amazing Lupita Nyong’o, who finds herself playing mother to a baby goose. The result is spectacular in every sense of the word.” (ABC News)
“Lupita Nyong’o is doing fantastic voice work here. The whole cast is great” (Filmweek NPR)
Wednesday, January 1
Doors 12:30 pm | Movie 1:00 pm *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Kids pricing in effect! Kids under 13 are just $8!
Tickets in advance at:
Join us on January 1, 2025 for our annual New Year’s Day Hangover Movie Marathon (featuring titles including THE WILD ROBOT, MONTY PYTHON’S THE MEANING OF LIFE, BRAZIL, THE BIG LEBOWSKI), and see any two or more films for the low, low price of just $20.25
Buy your Hangover Movie Marathon pass here:
Saturday, January 4
Doors 11:00 am | Movie 11:30 am *Start time subject to change. Please arrive on time.
Kids pricing in effect! Kids under 13 are just $8!
Tickets in advance at:
THE WILD ROBOT (Chris Sanders, 2024 / PG / 108 mins) Shipwrecked on a deserted island, a robot named Roz must learn to adapt to its new surroundings. Building relationships with the native animals, Roz soon develops a parental bond with an orphaned gosling.
*Minors welcome! Must be 19+ w/ID for bar service.
*Rio Theatre Groupons and passes OK for any single film only. Please redeem at the door.
*We recommend purchasing your tickets in advance at If a screening or live event is not sold out, the remaining tickets will be available for in-person purchase at the Rio Theatre’s Box Office prior to showtime (subject to availability).
*Our box office is typically open 30 minutes before showtime. All seating is General Admission; please arrive 20-30 minutes prior to showtime to ensure great seats, and time for treats at concession.
*If you are looking to redeem either a Rio Theatre gift certificate or Groupon to any regular Rio Theatre screening: You can either email us in advance <info> and give us a “heads up,” or do it at the box office prior to showtime.
*All Rio Theatre tickets are final sale. No refunds or exchanges.</info>
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
The Rio Theatre, 1660 E Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5N 1W1, Canada,Vancouver, British Columbia