About this Event
Come join this inspiring six-week on-line wellness journey where we explore your relationship with food while learning how to get away from a life-time of dieting and food restrictions. This group is designed to help people who have struggled with eating disorders, such as bingeing and purging, and people who have a complicated relationship with food and their body, learn how to step away from the diet culture trends and take back their freedom from food restrictions and the rigid rules of dieting. The leader of this group has extensive training as a Certified Intuitive Eating Therapist and experience with diet culture, and she would like to guide you to a healthier, more fulfilling and unrestricted relationship with food.
The goal of this six-week wellness group is to help participants identify triggers, and learn the language of diet culture that keeps you focused on food either through restrictions or because of the constant "food noise". You will also learn the importance of the natural body signals that diet culture wants you to to override by making you believe that they know better about your body than you do. Did you know tht the rules and restrictions that diet culture places on you actually cause disordered eating like bingeing and purging? We will discuss how important it is to stop imposing rules and restrictions on food, to improve your health and your relationship with food. We will explore the beliefs around these rules and restrictions and how pervasive they are on social media, in our grocery stores and even as topics of discussion with family and friends. Learn how to identify emotional eating and binges that are triggered by restriction and how to overcome those strong urges. By the end of this six-week wellness group, you will be equipped with enough information to change your relationship with food and enjoy a life without restrictions.
Join this group to start your journey toward a healthier, guilt-free relationship with food, guided by the leader's expertise and personal experience. Take the first step towards a brighter future with The Unrestricted Path with Crossroad to Change!
Event Venue
USD 321.96