This online webinar introduces you to the history of the Torres Strait Light Infantry Battalion during World War II.About this Event
Join us for an informative webinar on the Torres Strait at War. This webinar allows History teachers to understand an important part of Australian history affecting Indigenous Australians.
Learn about:
- the formation of the Torres Strait Light Infantry Battalion during the Assimilation Era, as the majority of the region's able bodied men volunteered their services;
- the differing perspectives of non-Indigenous soldiers and Torres Strait soldiers, and the aspirations for equality held by the Islander people as their men entered into the defence force;
- the changing role of Torres Strait Islander women, who were left defenceless on the outer islands to care for their children and elderly.
Workshop participants are given access to 3 multimodal presentations on the content, teacher notes, student information sheets and worksheets.
Event Venue
AUD 280.00