About this Event
This virtual workshop is typically referred to as Day 3 of our 3 day SCERTS course. This course is most relevant for those who have already participated in Day 1, our introduction to SCERTS, and Day 2, program design using SCERTS. The focus of this session will be on providing specific guidelines in administering the SCERTS Assessment Process (SAP). The SAP is a curriculum-based assessment designed to pinpoint next steps in the domains of social communication and emotional regulation, the core challenges in autistic children and learners with social emotional learning differences.
The SAP is designed to: 1) establish a profile of developmental strengths and needs, 2) to write meaningful, purposeful, and motivating educational goals based on a learner's profile, functional needs, and preferences, 3) to select the most relevant interpersonal and learning supports, and 5) to monitor progress over time.
Our virtual format is interactive and particpants will have the opportunity to share ideas, ask questions, practice scoring an assessment, and learn from one another throughout the day.
Please note that this course is live and will start at 9:00am US Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), so please check your clocks and time differences. A recording of this course will be made available for three weeks following the live event to paid participants. Although not required to participate in this course, those interested in using the SCERTS Assessment in their settings may wish to acquire the SCERTS Manuals, as all of the forms and materials are included in this resource. These manuals are sold separately.
Time Ordered Agenda
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT Using the SCERTS Assessment Process (SAP) to gather data on a learner's SC and ER and interactive partners' provision of TS
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM EDT Break
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT Using the SCERTS Assessment Process (SAP) as a meaningful measure of outcome and program planning - Scoring Practice
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM EDT Lunch
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM EDT Using selected items from the SCERTS Assessment Process to get started with implementation and program design
We are an approved CA SLP PDP provider (PDP#461). This course is offered for 4.5 PDP hours in the state of CA for all licensed SLPs. If you are not in California and would like to use this course for ASHA maintenance of professional learning, our certificates of attendance can be used to maintain your certification. To ensure that these hours count toward your maintenance of certification, participants should complete their compliance form as instructed on the ASHA website. There are more details on the ASHA website: https://www.asha.org/certification/factdef/. To use our course for this purpose, participants will need to maintain documentation (keep records of your certificate and handouts) in case ASHA requests verification of attendance.
Event Venue
USD 80.00